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You were 24 when you entered Tony Stark's life. A young woman, fresh graduate from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s boot camp before being assigned to be Stark's assistant/bodyguard. You were now 29, and basically the Avengers' babysitter. You were still employed by Tony, but from being around everyone for so long, you had no problem fetching them anything their mighty hearts desired or even doing any paperwork for them. You absolutely loved your job.

Waiting in the hangar bay of Avengers tower holding files of paperwork that needed to be sorted, you kept checking your watch and looking up in the sky to see if the quinjet was anywhere close. Releasing a sigh, you played with the tabs on one of the files and continued to wait.

"Jarvis," you began. "How long until they're back?"

"They should be approaching in 15 minutes, Miss. (Y/L/N)."

You frowned. Tony had date night with Pepper, Steve wanted you to look at apartments online with him, Nat needed you to help her with a quick manicure, and Bruce just wanted someone to vent to. "Can't they be any faster?" you muttered, rolling your eyes at your overflowing annoyance of lateness; which was your biggest pet peeve.

"The mission was a bit... messy. Mr. Barton will be in need of medical assistance. Dr. Cho has been alerted to this already." Your eyes widened. Clint was hurt and that sent you into a complete panic mode. "Jarvis, call Tony for me please" You said before the A.I. connected you to the quinjets Bluetooth.

"Tony?" you began, putting your phone to your ear.

"Hello mother." He started. You could tell he was smirking on the other line. "Why do you never tell me when someone is hurt? I always have to find out from Jarvis!" you exclaimed. "You worry too much" Tony said bluntly. You scoffed in response and replied, "I do not!". "Alright sweetie. We'll be back in a jiffy! Meet me in the lab, I'll see you soon.And with that he hung up, and you groaned in annoyance.

It was shortly after you spoke to Tony that him and Bruce walked into the lab, talking about Clint. "How is he?" you spoke, earning the gaze from the both of them. "Unfortunately, he's still Barton" Tony said before you made a fake frown. "That's terrible" you responded as Tony smirked. "He's fine, just thirsty" Tony walked over to Loki's staff, and resisted the urge to grab it and pretend to be the god of mischief.

"So the mission," you started.

"Was terrible." Bruce finished.

Tony began his work on finding what Loki's scepter was made out of and what exactly it could do before he looked and you with realization. "How long ago was my dinner with Pepper?" He asked as you looked down at your phone and checked the time. "45 minutes ago" you answered watching Tony's eyes widen and then rolling out of frustration.

"Text her. Tell her the mission didn't go well, everyone came back either angry or sad, make sure you include a few emoji's and- oh! Maybe try to bribe her with a back massage, or spa day? (Y/N) you're a girl. What does a hard working female like yourself enjoy?"

"Sleep" You said as Bruce chuckled quietly to himself. "Alright. Just get her a spa day. You know my card number. Have Happy get her and-"

Suddenly Tony's voice became muffled, like there was cotton in your ears. You looked right up at Bruce and he could tell something wasn't right. There was this pain in your head that you couldn't explain, your feet and arms were numb and all you could feel were pins and needles. You tried to stand but almost fell to the floor if it wasn't for Bruce who caught you in time.

"(Y/N)!" Tony shouted, rushing over to you as you closed your eyes wishing for this pain to go away. Nat, Steve and Clint were all watching this happen through the glass of the medical bay as Tony grabbed and rushed you into there, laying you down on one of the already made beds. Tony gripped your hand as tight as possible, Bruce just stared as he felt his stomach drop to the floor.

Dr. Cho and her fellow doctors urged everyone exit the room as Bruce was trying to explain the event that just occured, but Tony demanded to stay by your side, claiming you were like the daughter he never wanted but he cared too deeply for you to let you go through many blood tests, CT scans and other medical procedures to let you go through that alone. Him and Bruce both stayed by your side, while Steve, Nat and Clint were all left nervous.

Steve paced around the large lounging area of Avengers tower. Nat and Clint watched him as he continuously ran his fingers through his thick dirty blonde hair. "Steve, you're pacing again" Nat teased, earning a smirk from Clint. "It's from my  boredom. Nothing to do in this tower" Steve continued to slowly walk across the large carpet that was in the middle of the lounge. "You're starting to look like a super model with all of that walking. You're Captain America, not America's Next Top Model" Clint continued Nat's teasing, this time he earned a chuckle from her, but a frown from Steve.

"Screw you guys. I'm allowed to be nervous for a friend" Steve stopped his cantering and crossed his arms at the fellow Avengers. "I'm sure we're all nervous" Bruce spoke up, earning the attention from the three as he walked into the large area. "How is she?" Nat asked as Clint placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Bruce hesitated to answer, scared of the response he would earn from his friends.

Bruce took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead, not knowing how to form the words correctly, knowing no matter how soft he would put it everyone would still be affected and hurt in some way. He then decided to rip off the band aid, and just tell them;

"(Y/N) has cancer."

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