Shawn Mendes

344 21 9

This boy can cause some Fangirls who worship him to absolutely go to extremes to insult another Fangirl's obsession :( :) (Talkin bout u lovemendes_) yes she insulted Newtmas. not okay.

Okay so this isn't really a chapter because MY
FRAND lovemendes_ has recently started a Shawn Mendes fanfic called Heartstrings, (i made the cover, *insert winky face because i am doing this on my laptop*)

sO I'VE READ THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS SO FAR BUT THERE'S LIKE 6 RN SO I PLAN ON READING THOSE VERY SOON!!! and so far it is very good!!!! if y'all flippin' love Shawn Mendes then go check out her account and fanfic!

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