A Typical Fangirl (from my POV)

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A/N: These are all from my perspective but i think i'm pretty spot-on with most of them

A typical Fangirl:

- needs wi-fi or unlimited data 24/7 (or a book)

- has WAY too high expectations for a partner

- needs food. like. a. lot. of. food.

- try to acts cool and collected when she gets her phone confiscated but inside she is actually slowly dying (currently in that position)

- doesnt exactly understand real-life anymore

- constantly makes odd high-pitched noises when reading fanfiction

- people stare at her as she is making those odd high-pitched noises in public

- will have the urge to fight an author after he or she kills off their favorite character (the pain)

- sneaks fandom references into almost every conversation with a peer

- one reason why they want to be rich is so all of their books will be hardbacks

- when reading quietly in class and something not-okay-with-her happens she slams her book closed and throws it on the desk and gets as far away from it as possible and doesnt care when everyone including the teacher stares at her (just me?)

- stalks all of her obessions on all social media

- gets yelled at in classes for reading when she is not supposed to be

- but then says "um but katniss and peeta are about to kiss so please leave me be"

- just doesnt care

- when she sees something related to one of her fandoms in public she has a mini panic attack inside

Well, that's all i have for now, maybe a part two?

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