Break from Toronto

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Noel in the MM

                       - Noel -

"I don't wanna give the wrong impression... I need love & affection..."

The lyrics repeated themselves in my head while the song continued in my headphones. "Love & Affection" a curious notion to me really... I didn't have the worst life but I didn't have the best for sure...

I adjusted myself in my seat in order to feel more comfortable and looked at the little window right beside me, Is it real ? It feels real this time I dreamed of this moment I dreamed of this independance, my own money,my own decisions, this freewill.

Flying over the city for what I believe will be the last time, beautiful under the dark sky and the bright stars, Toronto is at its best at night.

The higher the plane was flying the more I felt relieved for two reasons :

The first was that I was leaving the toxic realationship I had with my parents behind me, things between us were chaotic, after the birth of my big brother my mom tried to do the best to fix her mariage with my dad and ignored his unloyal ways, but after she had me she couldn't ignore his absence at home while she was the only one raising us. Feeling abandonned by him she left for 2 years. But she was too in love...she came back and so did my father in full force, he blame me and only me for my mother leaving him. So he started mistreating me, calling me names, being violent to me and being mad disrespectful in front of everybody he didn't care and I was so ashamed he never tried to be a father. I never told my mom I didn't need to, she see it sometimes and brush it off calling that discipline to normalize it. I got used to it. She love me though I just knew.

Now the other reason is a Man, I was his but he was never mine, I left without a word like he would every night, i like to believe he was my first love he was my first... everything, the first man to ever make me feel loved. When I didn't felt it at home I did in his arms. His name is Aubrey best known as Drake or the Boy, being a big fan when I met him a year ago I was so surprised when he showed interest in me but I loved the attention probably because it was new to me since I have no friends due to my dad.
He came several days at my work place after school, before asking me on a date. I of course never told my parents but my brother Desean knew I thank him for staying silent to this day. Aubrey was so gentle and we saw each other a few times again it was innocent though but a few days after I turned eighteen, I recieved a call from him to meet him at his mansion, I went and found him with a lawyer only. He wanted me to sign a contract to be "his" girlfriend altough the contract didn't say girlfriend that's what I think he wanted the conditions were my loyalty and my silence about it, so it never went mainstream.

I regret it so much now.

I remember being shocked by this strange way to ask me out but I accept it, can't really blame me I felt "love" for the first time and as creepy as this proposition was I found romantic the obsession of me being his. I signed everything.
It was so calm at first this "relationship" was my getaway for my life at home and a distraction for my lack of.... I don't know it just filled a void in me and I felt complete.
I gave him my virginity 3 weeks after this contract and a few times after.

I shook my head, how could I be so damn stupid ?

Huh, he told me he loved me, I believed it and I said the same, he became more & more absent because of his album and his business and I grew tired of that.
I mean he took care of me and always sent me money everytime I needed something , he was there, to talk, to care, to love, but I realized there was other women in it, in fact I was a part of his harem or his "collection" don't know to call it we were the ones he was with here in toronto but I couldn't really blame him he can have any women he want, so why limit  himself to me?
I felt so pathetic and used, something in me broke. I felt special, too special, so special, he was giving to these girls what I thought he only gave to me. I was now more depressed than ever I couldn't bear feeling like this and coming home to my insensitive father and delusional mother, my brother left the house and it made me contemplate leaving too, I was grown eighteen soon nineteen & I graduated, plus I had the money Aubrey was spoiling me with, let's say that I won't have to work for at least.. 5 month maximum

So I talked about my decision to my mom only, she was supportive seeing I was unhappy at home.
I saw Aubrey one last night didn't say anything about leaving Toronto didn't have the courage he was leaving for Cali anyway, plus I knew I would break my contract and he won't be too happy about that. I left at night and here I am.

I took a deep breathe, and asked the stewardess for water, before taking my plaid out of the little luggage beside me and covering myself inside it, in an attempt to sleep.

"And I hope I'm not sounding too desperate
I need love and affection"

So here for the first chapter it was very short but this is my first time I hope that didn't bother y'all too much, the song is "Love song" by Rihanna & future💕

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