Phone Call

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Kris was getting ready for bed. He's had an exhausting day– photoshoots, interviews, and trying to keep in touch with Luhan. He's barely had time to at least text Luhan. But today, Luhan was upset. Upset that he left his friends. He had wanted to be treated better like Kris had wanted to, but Luhan never wanted to lose his friends. Luhan looks at his friends' comeback videos everyday and cries. He misses being a part of that and having fun with the members. He misses every one of the members and so did Kris. But there's one in particular that he could never forgive.

Before he could continue this thought, he heard his phone ring. He looked at the ID but there wasn't any. All he saw was familiar numbers. He couldn't remember whose number it was but he didn't want to be rude to the person he might know. So, he picked up the phone and said, "Hello?" Kris was in shock with what he heard next. A gasp and then a sob. Someone was crying on the other end of the phone. But why? If he recognized the number it must be someone he knows. But who? Kris' heart was racing with worry. He didn't want this person to be crying.

"Hey are you okay? Why am I even asking of course you aren't. I'm sorry. I don't have your number saved but it is familiar to me so I know it's someone I know. Please talk to me. I need to know you're okay." All Kris heard on the other side of the phone was sobbing, sniffling, and the rustling of tissues. What Kris heard next is what shocked him into silence.

"Kris?" It was a small voice that had an obvious crack in it and sounded hesitant. Despite the voice sounding like this, Kris knew exactly who it was on the other end of the phone; it was Tao. He could never forget the voice he fell in love with, the same voice that belonged to the person who said he hated him so easily. Kris was silent. He didn't want to talk to Tao at all. And yet he couldn't bring himself to hang up the phone for some strange reason

"I know you're still there, Kris. I can hear you breathing. I shouldn't have said anything or even called you. I just wanted to hear your voice again. I've been so lost without you. I know I hurt you Kris. I hurt you so bad. I'm just like that stupid company. But please listen to me. I need to tell you something. It's import-" Kris had to cut him off. He couldn't take the shaky and cracked voice any longer.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. You hate me. I know you do. And because of that hate I distanced myself from you. You obviously don't want me in your life anymore. Go back to hating me like you always have."

"Goddammit Kris would you please listen to me? You don't have to talk to me. I won't force you to. You just have to listen to what I'm about to say to you. I need to say it to you directly or I won't be able to live with myself anymore." Kris fell silent. How can Tao sound so broken when it was Kris who was broken by him? Kris gave a nod but shortly after gave himself a mental slap. 'Tao wouldn't know that you nodded you idiot.' Kris was about to say something when Tao continued.

"I think by now you would've nodded your head so I'm going to say what I have to say now." 'Tao did know. Does he still remember me like that?' "Kris, after I had my lawsuit with SM and I left EXO for good, I realized what an ass I was to you. I realized how horrible they were treating you. They only treated us like that, including Luhan and now even Lay. They're treating everyone like animals who are only used for money. I realized that you were going through the same hurt I did and possibly even more since you had the surgery afterwards and because of..." Tao had drifted off here and sniffled. Kris knew exactly what Tao was going to say next. Tao cleared his throat and continued, "You were even more hurt than I was because of me. I hurt you so much and I'm so sorry. It's just that you never told any of us what was happening. I thought you left just because you felt like it. I thought you left me without a second thought. Like I wasn't even on your mind anymore. Especially after you left, you never called me or texted me. I felt heartbroken and said things that was stupid and in the moment. I didn't mean any of those things. I don't hate you. I think about you everyday and how I've messed up everything. I can't seem to function properly at this point. Funny, huh?"

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