The Box

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There's no shoulder shrugs
It's all translucent in here
Pleasant, peaceful and free of fogs

I can't see.
I don't want to be anyone but me

I can't hear
Sometimes words are the only thing that carry all the fear

And I can't feel
Anyway, love and pain have made a deal
And I can't stop hearing the ticking of the clocks
I didn't mean to kneel
Or imprison my feelings into blocks
But is it better to be in an insanely moving wheel
Or stay safe in a box?

A box that may seem empty
But it has all the truth
Tranquil and steady
Yet, in it, you will walk in everybody's shoes
Feel how they're getting ready
Excited and fizzy
Before they drown into their blues

A box which is dry
When everywhere else is wet
In there you will cry
The tearless pain in your shriveled eyes
And you will quit
Quit trying to explain
Quit trying to forget
And stay held in the chains
Of the lovers that have left

The box is heaven surrounded by hell
A riskless place to stay in and write your will
Tell them you dreamed of a bigger box
To put in it the whole world
So there won't be knocks
When there's a word needed to be told.

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