Chapter 1

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Rolling over in bed I leaned towards the window and pulled back the curtains to reveal the busy street bellow. As would be normal for a Monday morning the street was filled with men and women in smart suits walking promptly towards the tube station.  The view over the street pictured the traditional London skyline; Big Ben standing tall, Millenium bridge in the distance with St Pauls Cathedral Standing tall behind.

"Mate. Harry! Quit daydreaming yeah. Due in the main office in an hour so sort your hair out yeah and we'll grab something to eat on the way.... Ok?!"

I was brought back from my daydream with Louis entering my room giving me a shove on the shoulder."Mmmm yeah cool give me ten and i'll see you at the door." I replied. Today Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis and I would be moving out of our apartment block and into a large house in the centre of london to start our tour rehersals. We'd be meeting designers, choreographers, dancers, managers, sound techies all over the next few months before we'd leave the comfort of a house and take to the tour bus. Traverlling the country and then heading over to the States to continue the tour over there. Exciting times of course but the five of us were all reluctant to leave our apartments.

Liam and I ran out and grabbed a starbucks for everyone on the way to the main office, without too much hassel. I signed five coffee cups and posed for a photo with some cute babies but besides Liam managing to spill a carmel latte over some old bag we got back into the car all in one piece.

"Carmel latte- well what's left of it for you Ni, Two teas for Zayn and you Lou, a hot chocolate for you Haz and Coffe for me!" Liam passed out the drinks while I pelted a breacfast muffin at each of the boys.

"Mmmmm Muuufffiinnnsss" was all we heared from Niall as he forgot about his drink and tucked into the calorie full cherry and ginger cake.

We soon entered the office and were great by a perky gay receptionist who was giving the Zayn the eye. Always happens to Mr. Vanity.

"So boys. excited?" Jenny one of our handelers questioned as we were lead into a different van with all our cases loaded in and were taken to the house we were to inhabit for the next few months.

"Yep can't wait to meat the team" I said giving her a one arm hug as we get into the car.

"Well, some of the choreographers might be there but certainly a few of the dancers should be there to see you arrive" I gave Louis a wink at that point "They all live around the area so you can expect to see them alot."

We all exchanged looks then before Niall mouthed "Yellow". Bit of a One Direction tradition- we;d have a code word that we'd agree on that would mean- 'I WANT THAT ONE AND YOU DARE FUCKING CROSS THAT LINE' when it came to girls. We'd have to fit it into natural conversation around them though. Yellow wasn't particuarly inventive, perriviously Zayn picked "Wank" and Liam had choosen "virgin" before- both of which hard to fit into conversation.........

Before long we pulled into a large driveway not to far from the city. Looking out of the window, a young girl dragging a duffle bag with "Dancing B**** Baby" on the side in pink writing. The moement I caught her eye i knew she had to be mine.

"Yellow." I mumbled. The lads' heads spun to where i was looking to be met with a round of aplause.

"Good choice mate." Zayn patted my leg as we climbed out.


PARTS WILL GET LONGER!!!!! ok so ty for reading! just setting everything up here! i'm going to skip forward in time for chapter 2, a few weeks so you don't have to ger bored with how they meet blah blah..... let me know what you think! oh and i might put some mature bits in too ;) xxx

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