Part 32

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He stood waiting in the clinically clean white of the airport, and glanced nervously at his watch; feeling utterly sick with nerves.

He hadn't seen her for over a month, and he wondered if she had changed in that time.

'Oh God,' he thought, 'i wonder if she's already starting to show? And what about morning sickness? Cravings? Should I have bought her some chocolate or something?' He shook his head to be rid of those thoughts, dismissing them; for he seemed to remember his sister saying something about being 3 months pregnant for all those things, although he couldn't be sure.

The only thing that was certain was that he was waiting to meet the mother of his child, and the woman he had betrayed. Or was he betraying Q by being with her?

Before he had a chance to fully contemplate it, he looked up; for he felt something - the tingling of a familiar presence.

Across the large and bustling room he saw her, and all doubts left him.

He thought he'd feel deep and treacherous guilt upon meeting her again, or perhaps be merely nonchalant; but instead he realised how much he had missed her, and felt a great surge of excitement and a smile growing across his face.

She smiled broadly, and laughed in what must have been relief, before she ran forwards through the surging masses and throngs of people to be caught and wrapped in his strong, warm arms.

He buried his face in her soft hair and held her tightly, never wanting to let go. He placed his hands on her shoulders, and held her out at arms length.

He studied her face, one hand resting along her jaw and cheek; the other on her waist.

"I've missed you," he whispered, surprised by the emotions that surged through him and flowed with his words.

"I've missed you too," she smiled thinly, trying to hold back tears before being pulled into another warm embrace; burying her face in his large, cuddly chest.

He held her there like that for some time - in the guise of a hug - when really he was hiding his face from her, for his heart broke with the realisation that although he loved Q, his love for her never left, and it had resurfaced; stronger than ever before.

The Suffering Of Fools (IJ Fanfic, Sal Vulcano X Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now