Part 31

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It was Sunday morning, and Sal woke up alone from his place on Brian's bed. They had decided that every moment together was precious, and so Sal hadn't left since visiting on Friday evening as the bearer of their potential parting.

Swinging his legs off the bed and sitting, he felt his foot brush against something soft. Slightly surprised; not quite believing Q to be the type for fluffy joke slippers; he looked down around his feet and yelped loudly - waking the sleeping kitten at his feet.

Pulling his legs up to his chest; onto the bed and away from the kitten; she looked up over the edge of the bed at him with her round, playful green eyes.

"I know what you're thinking," he said to the cat, "don't."

With this her furry head disappeared from view for an instant, and as a wave of relief washed over Sal, she leapt up beside him.

"Oh my God!" he cried, holding his hand on his chest just over his heart. "You son of a bitch. Oh no... Nonononono!" he protested as the small black and white kitten lovingly rubbed herself up against the big man now cowering from her touch.

"Q! Q come here!" he screeched, "Now would be good!"

Brian charged in; slightly panicked, and wondering what all the fuss was about before breaking down in laughter upon seeing a grown man backed into a corner by a kitten.

"Sal, you know I love you, but sometimes I really wonder how you've gotten so far in life." Q laughed, as he picked up the kitten and held her to his chest like a baby.

"It just jumped at me, for no good reason!" Sal pouted, "I'm telling you Q, cats are evil."

"You're not evil are you, Brooklyn?" he giggled, smushing his face into the little cat's fur - causing her to purr profusely.

"Ew, don't do that!" Sal squirmed, "You don't know where it's been. It could've been rolling around in piss and shit for all you know: and now you've just rubbed your face in it. It's disgusting."

"But she's just a kitten." Brian burbled, placing her back on the floor.

"But she's just a kitten," Sal repeated, mocking Q's tone before continuing, "Satan spawn, more like." he scowled, eying Brooklyn as she trotted out the room.

"I'm going to miss this," Brian smiled, perching on the bed next to Sal.

"What, your cats being little bastards?" he jokingly grinned.

"No, I'm going to miss you - stupid." and with that Sal fell quiet, looking him in the eyes.

"But most of all," Q continued, "I'm going to miss this." and with that he leant forward and planted a brief yet tender kiss on Sal's startled lips.

He pulled away, and ran his hand round to the back of Sal's head; holding him, teasing his fingers through his short-cropped hair, and leaning forehead to forehead - eyes closed gently. Neither said a word, but instead sat there in sorrowful silence; each contented in the now waning company of the other.

The Suffering Of Fools (IJ Fanfic, Sal Vulcano X Brian Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now