So Beautiful, She Makes You Kill (4.2)

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Before we knew it, it was getting dark. As we made our way back to the farmhouse, we laughed, and joked around, and got to know each other even more. Through our hushed laughs, and teasing gestures it was hard to miss the voices coming from inside. Whoever was yelling could wake the dead if they hadn't already risen.

Without a second thought, Alex and I bolted for the front door. Inside, everyone already gathered in the living room. Jerry was standing across from one of the younger men in the middle of the room. Great...

The man waved his arms around and pointed at Jerry as he spoke out. "We should go there, now. They're there to help us; they're waiting for survivors. We have better chances with them."

"There is no way of knowing we can trust any of them, if they're even still there. Now sit your ass down and we will discuss this as a group." Jerry was not the meek and mild mouse everyone thought he was. "For someone so delicate, you're sounding pretty damn bold, Travis." The whole room went silent. Even with all eyes on him, Jerry stood his ground, staring into Travis until the idiot sat down.

His gaze wandered to me and Alex. "Good, now that we are all here, let's talk it through... Willow, Johnathan, Leah... Come here, please." His demeanor softened.

I could feel Alex's fingertips on the small of my back as I made my way to join them by the old fireplace.

I took a deep breath, looking over the group. Although anger and confusion were the collective themes here, some seemed indifferent.

"Like Jerry said, we don't know if we can trust these people. I mean, look at what Collin did. The best thing to do is to discuss this and make a plan."

I stared at Johnathan, panic stricken. He said he wouldn't say anything.

One of the women chimed in, "What do you mean, what Collin did? Wasn't he turned?"

Johnathan looked dumbfounded. "Uh. I mean, uh..."

Clenching my fists, I stepped in. "Collin followed me down onto the beach. But there was no zombie. Collin assaulted me. He ripped my shirt, and he was trying to take my pants off when Johnathan and some of the guys showed up. He was a piece of shit, and you should all be happy it was taken care of before he had a chance to do worse, to any of us."

The room went silent. Johnathan wrapped an arm around me as the whole room stared at me in shock. "Now, raise your hand if you think we should wait and form a solid plan before making contact."

Every person raised their hand.

Leah stepped up beside us. "Good, now. Does anybody have an idea?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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