Chapter 11...

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They arrived at the wizarding cemetery at a little past tea time. Hermione looked up at the sky and, ironically and almost like a cliché, it was grey like Draco's eyes, but angry. She could sense a lightning storm coming, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up at the excess electrons in the air. Only a few other people showed up to the funeral, several of the people she didn't know, but the glances that Draco was giving them hinted that he knew them. Hermione recognized a pregnant Pansy Nott, her husband Theodore beside her, was crying. Hermione, also, recognized Blaise Zabini, a curious, dark skinned wizard that Hermione was surprised to see here. She had read during the Death Eater Trial's that the Zabini's and Crabbe's were in a feud regarding their money and a certain marriage that had taken place hundreds of years ago. It resulted in their sons refusing to talk to one another and when they met on the streets, hexes were thrown. As the priest began to talk about death and life, Hermione's mind flashed back to the Death Eater trials.

The gavel echoed in the full courtroom, the Daily Prophet reporters squeezed into the small booth towards the entrance of the room, their camera's ready at the go. The whole Wizarding World was on standby; waiting for news of several of the Death Eaters caught just months before after Tom Riddle fell. Today was the day that the Malfoy's, the Parkinson's, the Nott's, the Zabini's, the Crabbe's and the Goyle's, the Lestrange's, the Carrow's, and any of the other known families of the Inner Circle. The Golden Trio, eyes dark from sleepless nights, sat in their own chairs close to the center of the room.

The gavel echoed across the room again, the sound pounding through her head. Hermione Granger looked up at the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. He was a plump, old man with silver, grey hair peeking out beneath his black hat. His black robes were fringed with golden thread, which glisten as his Patronus flickered next to him. She glanced up at the ceiling and let loose a shaky, quite exhale. Dementors hung in the air above them.

"Silence!" the Chief Warlock yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the courtroom. The room fell silent beneath his gaze, "First, I would like to remind the Daily Prophet, the Quibbler, and other newspapers that I reserve the right to kick you out if you so much as make a peep," he growled at them, "Second, in the case with these next group of accused Death Eaters, the Wizarding Court of England had been given permission to use Veritaserum when we see fit," Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat. She glanced at her two best friend's beside her who looked like they were having trouble understanding this courts primitive customs, "Lastly," the man's voice was much more gentler, "I would like to thank the Golden Trio: Harry Potter," the people around them burst into cheer and they stood up in response, "Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger!" she placed a faux smile on her face and nodded to the people. Once the clapping faded, they sat back down again.

"Now," the Chief Warlock continued, "Bring out the first accused," he motioned to the door that opened up in front of the Golden Trio on the other wall. Out stepped a dark haired man, his curly hair matted to his skull. He was thin, extremely thin, and his cotton, grey Azkaban suit seemed to swallow him whole like some hungry monster. His brown eyes were distant and a sorrow was glistening from within them. Hermione's eyes traced the man as he fell gracefully into the large chair, like a broken man, in the middle of the room.

"Rodolphus Lestrange, widowed husband of Bellatrix Black," a red headed man said, whom Hermione recognized immediately as Percy Weasley. Hermione looked back at Rodolphus and noticed that he grimaced and his eyes watered when his late wife was mentioned, "You are accused of being a follower of Tom Riddle and of his Inner Circle. Is this true?" Rodolphus was quiet, his eyes finding peace in the fine marble floors of the courtroom, "Mr. Lestrange, is this true?"

"You already know the answer, Mr. Weasley," Rodolphus said, his voice low and quiet, "My fate was already decided before I even arrived," he looked up from the floor, "Let me go and join my wife."

The Chief Warlock gave a hearty chuckle, "Oh, Mr. Lestrange, death is too kind for the likes of you," and he glanced to his fellow Wizengamot, "We will now vote," Hermione's mouth dropped in shock. This was completely unfair even if the man was known as a Death Eater, "All those in favor of life imprisonment," a little over half of the room raised their hands and Hermione knew Rodolphus' fate had been sealed, "All those in favor of some other form of punishment," the rest raised their hands. The gavel came down once again, sealing his fate, "It has been set," reporters began to scribble madly at their notepads and their magical cameras flashed, "Rodolphus Lestrange, please rise," the fragile man stood up, his eyes never leaving the ground, "You have been found guilty of conspiring against the Ministry of Magic and allying yourself with the wizarding criminal known as Tom Riddle," Hermione watched the man flinch with every single word yelled down at him. For a man that was part of Lord Voldemort's Inner Circle, he wasn't like she knew him to be, "As punishment, you are to taken to Azkaban and stay there till the end of your days."

Suddenly, Rodolphus gave a horrifying shriek, his face contorting into a terribly creature. He rushed at the Wizengamot, the people around jumping up in shock while others pulled their wands out. The Chief Warlock broke the spell on his Patronus and a Dementor fell from the ceiling, sweeping up along the floor toward the yelling Death Eater. Rodolphus felt the cold shiver go up his spine and he turned away from the Chief Warlock, his dark eyes widening in fear at the sight of the Dementor, "NO!" he screamed as the Dementor froze before him and began to suck on his memories, the Dementors eyes filled with visions of a curly haired, brunette witch with gleaming, violent eyes.

The Golden Trio were frozen to their spots behind a group of Ministry Guards. They could still hardly believe what they were seeing. At last, Rodolphus Lestrange gave a strangled sound and a Patronus appeared, Hermione recognized it as the Chief Warlock's, "Enough!" and the Dementor scurried back to the ceiling of the room. The Ministry Guards backed away from the Golden Trio and Hermione watched Rodolphus Lestrange be dragged away in the arms of Azkaban workers. Slowly, the court room came back into order and it was soon like nothing ever happened, "Bring out the next accused."

From the doors came another male and Hermione Granger's mouth dropped in shock, tears filling her eyes, "No," she murmured and the male's eyes landed on her, his own eyes filled with pain.

"I'm sorry," his lips formed silent words.

She shook her head in disbelief, "Draco."

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