Chapter 24

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The chamberlain led then to a room with all mirrors. In the center of the room was a big purple bed with fluffy purple lace pillows. The entire length of the walls were wall-to-wall mirrors.

"Have a good night's sleep lady," said the Chamberlain, "You will find your pajamas on the bed. I will see you all to the throne room in the morning. Get some rest. You will need it." With that, he closed the door. Myka looked at her sisters looking at her looking at themselves in all the mirrors. Could there truly be so many beautiful women in one room, she thought. No, it was not possible. Within the mirrors was a life Myka had never dreamed. There stood four of the most beautiful women she had ever met. Each of them was dressed in a color that extenuated their mystic. The blond haired beauty in golden dress danced back and forth with the raven-haired starlet in the midnight blue satin finish. A perfectly formed green sprite attached itself to a redheaded goddess in rubies. Myka sucked in her breath. She had never seen the like. She spun around and around until the green sprite was a spiral of falling leaves and the red dress was a waterfall of rubies cascading down onto the floor. So the night passed into day. None of the party rested. Their pajamas lay untouched when the chamberlain knocked on the door.

It shocked all of them. They had not noticed the tendrils of the rising sun touch the pains of gems that allowed light into the room. The candles were all burnt down to their wicks. The chamberlain took no notice of the room.

"Good," he said. "You're dressed. The King will see you now."

The four of them followed the Chamberlain out into the hall. They took a different path this time. It curved and bent, but they did not have to go up or down any stairs. After a short while, they were at a set of what appeared to be crystal doors. Beautiful rainbows cascaded down to the floor through the doors. Two guards stood on either side.

Before they had a chance to move forward the chamberlain reached out an arm to block there way.

"Be wary with the doors," she said, "They are made of a single diamond that was carved for the King's glory." All of them gulped. They had never seen such luxury in all their lives. The chamberlain dropped his arm and walk formally inside before the group had time to collect themselves.

Myka walked into the throne room followed closely by the rest of her party. She was so close she could feel it. They approached the King and bowed before him. The King looked them over with a calm eye. He spoke to the chamberlain in with a voice of approval.

"This is much more appropriate," said the King. The chamberlain bowed lower. Then the King turned to the women.

"Read me the note," he told the guard to his right. The guard swallowed hard.

"To the barer upon demand will be giving his hearts desire signed the prince," said the guard. "At the bottom of the page is the royal seal your Majesty." The King paused and scanned the women in from of him.

"It appears to be completely valid," stated another high official. Myka did not know what this man's purpose was in the court, but he was dress importantly enough.

"So it is," said the King, "The question here before us today is what is your hearts desire?" The King looked back at the women.

"I want one of those palaces that are on top of the hill," said Sae. "With servants to cook and clean a closet as big and as full as the one we saw here in the palace, and an endless supply of food."

"Very well," said the King, "Guards take these four lovely women and see that they are installed in one of the palaces on the hill." The King clapped his hands and four guards stepped forward to escort them out. One of them grabbed Ada.

Heart's DesireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ