Oldest is the Bestest

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Oldest is the Bestest

(Dedicated to Coyote13 for first one to comment!)

Frostkit puffed out her chest, making her look tough and stupid. She cleared her throat and bellowed. "To battle! We'll drive out those mouse dung Amberclan!"

Kits of Frostclan howled in agreement as they raised their hackles, bristling with anticipation. Frostkit wiggled her hindquarters and waited for shapes to leap out of the shadows. They did. Tiny fur balls leap out of bushes and tackled warriors of Frostclan.

"ATTACK!" Frostkit bellowed as she lunged at Hawkkit. Hawkkit squealed in surprised as older kit pinned him down. Frostkit pretended to swipe a claw across his throat. "Surrender to Frostclan you little mouse dung. Or you will not be going to your den in Amberclan alive."

"We'll see." another fur ball lunged at Frostkit who had to scramble off Hawkkit who got tackled by his sister, Falconkit. Falconkit was always royal to Frostkit.

"Amberstar," Frostkit growled. "I see you are here to surrender."

Youngest member of the nursery held her head up high. "I don't intend to surrender which means a victory for Amberclan."

"You can't be sure of that," Frostkit lunged and two leader wrestled on the ground. It was an easy win for Frostkit thanks to her size. She pinned enemy leader down easily and howled her head off.

All around her, member of Frostclan (Frostkit, Rockkit, Falconkit, Larkkit, Blazekit, Stormkit, Mistkit, Leafkit, Oakkit) howled along, enjoying their victory which got quickly cut off by...

"Kits, be quiet!" Longstripes snarl made all the kits squeal in surprise. "You are howling my ears off!"

Bluestorm and Shaderose raced out of the nursery to see what happened.

"Kits!" Bluestorm said. "What are you doing?"

"We were just playing a game," Frostkit spoke up. "Sorry we made such rocket."

"Yeah you better be," Longstripes said nastily before heading back to his den.

"Don't mind that old fool," Mouseclaw padded out, his frail limbs barely supporting her. "He just misses being a warrior. I do too."

"Mouseclaw!" Frostkit squealed and ran up to her grandmother. "Did you see my epic move! I just slew Amberclan!"

"No, she didn't!" Amberkit growled. "I tripped...that's all."

But Frostkit wasn't finished. "I just knocked Hawkkit and threw Amberkit. So legit."

Amberkit let out a furstrated growl and stormed into the nursery slowly followed by rest of defeated Amberclan. Members of Frostclan grinned at each other, satisfied.

"Don't make so much rocket, okay?" Shaderose licked Stormkit and Mistkit who shrieked and made frantic moves to escape.

"Don't worry, Shaderose. I'll make sure," Frostkit promised.

"Good," Shaderose and Bluestorm walked to the nursery but Frostkit heard, "I could always count on the oldest."

That made her prouder.

"Let's go to fresh-kill pile to celebrate!" Frostkit announced. "After me, Frostclan!"

They ran to the pile which was stacked high with squirrels and mouse along with some blackbirds and voles.

"We should give fresh kills to Mouseclaw and Longstripes," Mistkit suggested.

"Good idea, Miststorm." Frostkit nodded as Mistkit smiled proudly. "Leafpetal, can you find some juicy voles for the elders?"

"Yes, Froststar." beautiful brown tabby pawed the pile until she found two juicy voles and a plump mouse.

"Let's go!" they all raced to the elder's den which was sort of a well formed cave like nursery and warrior's den.

"What do we have here?" Mouseclaw purred as Frostclan warriors filed in.

"We brought we treats," Stormkit announced as he scooted two voles closer to the elder.

Longstripe opened his eyes and said grudgingly. "Voles, I love voles. Thank you littlings."

They smiled proudly at each other as they filed out.

"Now,nursery!" Frostkit said, pawing the plump mouse as kits grabbed more prey for the queens.

They raced to the nursery.

"Frostclan!" Cloudblossom smiled. "What's your mission today?"

"We brought you food," Frostkit announced.

"Yum,"Bluestorm smiled. "Thank you kits."

Her mother was cleaning her nest. She was going to move to warrior's den soon.

"Ask Frostclan for anything," Stormkit said.

Frostkit searched the nursery. Where was Amberclan? With wonder filled in her mind, they padded outside to celebrate their victory.


Amberclan exploded around them, enclosing them in a circle. Amberkit looked triumphant. "Surrender now and we will spare you. If you don't-" she drew a claw across her throat. "-something bad will happen."

"Frostclan," Frostkit whispered to her clan mates. "Stick together, don't let them break out formation and ATTACK!"

Frostclan and Amberclan wrestled. Frostkit first sent Moonkit tumbling backwards and kicked Shinekit. She turned to look at Amberkit who had Leafkit - weakest Frost clan memeber- pinned.

Oh no she didn't.

Frostkit brawled into the enemy leader, sending both of them tumbling into darkness. Something sharp pricked her fur. Frostkit realized that Amberkit's claw was unsheathed.

Frost-so what do you think? PLZ VOTE AND COMMENT!PLZPLZPLZ

Short chapter for today ;)


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