Chapter 6

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Tori's POV

"Do you know  where Chris is, his mum said he left for school and he hasn't ditched a day of school in his whole life!!!".  I shook my head and began to panic. Alex and Janae quickly came out the classroom. "We were spying on Jason McCann and he was texting someone saying that Collins has been dealt with." Janae said  "What does that mean? " Alex continued. "It means that idiot has done something to our friend and we need to find him." Jordan said.

There I was running and  looking through every door and every hall but I just managed to get myself to get lost in this big school. While rushing around, I bumped into a tall figure and fell to the ground. Typical Tori. "Hey, Tori right, I'm Nathan. I'm in your music class" he said while giving me his hand. "oh hi, I'm sorry I bumped into you, I'm lost and in a rush looking for this guy who may have been beaten up by-" I began to ramble on. "I know where you're friend is, I was rushing over there myself actually. I would've been there earlier but Jason shoved me in a room and locked it because I saw the whole scene". He rushed off and I followed close behind.

We finally approached his body bruises and blood everywhere. I called an ambulance and the gang. Jordan and Nathan carried his body outside the school until the paramedics took him from their hands. Jordan went in the ambulance since they have been friends for a while.

I picked up Chris' drawings and this is what I found on the last page

I picked up Chris' drawings and this is what I found on the last page

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Written underneath it was:

Victoria Lauren Kelly is the nicest, most beautiful girls I've ever met. Her Unbreakable smile is contagious . I think about her all the time.

He liked me, I thought while we were travelling to the hospital in Janae's car. Nathan was next to me and smiled. "you have to introduce me to the beautiful girl driving" he whispered. I giggled but stopped when my mind lingered back to Chris.

10 minutes later.....

We entered the hospital, I saw Jordan with a crying lady who I'm guessing was Chris' mom. "How is he?". "he took a some hard blows, lost a bit of blood but he's going to be okay". Jordan answered. "Can I go in and see him?" his mum nodded and I walked in , terrified of the state of Chris.

There he lay, eyes closed, hair dangling messily over his forehead, lip busted, cheeks bruised, I was shaking at what that monster did to him and for what reason? I put his books down beside him.

"I never thought I would see, you like this. I'm use to your cheeky smile, you're your cocky laugh". I leaned down to kiss him. A part of me was wishing that his eyes would open, like in the movies.  I sat down next to him upset.

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There's something wrong with Wattpad at the moment its not letting me publish the right edited version of this chapter. I was going to try and publish chapter 7 but I cant until this issue is fixed.

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