Chapter: 17

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Chapter 17

“Have you just had sex in your dressing room?” whispered Simon, leaning in towards Cheryl as she settled herself down in her chair, struggling to get comfortable with the mic pack.

She turned to look at him, still half sat down, opening her mouth in genuine shock and giving him a look.  “No I have not”, she whispered back indignantly, pulling at her dress as she finally sat down.

Dannii looked at them but looked away when she saw Cheryl’s expression, deciding it was a private conversation.

“Well,” whispered Simon, pulling an amused face back at her, “Kimberley wasn’t pinning you against the table to put eye drops in…or was she?”

Cheryl stared back at him, for a second unable to respond.  Then over his shoulder she caught sight of Kimberley settling herself down into her seat on the front row with the other 3 girls.  Kimberley looked up and smiled at her.  Cheryl smiled back, immediately relaxing.

“No, she wasn’t putting eye drops in.  We were kissing.  But we weren’t having sex” she whispered back at him, then a mischievous smile covered her face, “there’s no lock on the door”.

He smiled back, knowingly.  “I think everyone in here knows about what happened in your dressing room.  And I always knew there was something funny going on”.

“Oh you did not!” Cheryl whispered, laughing.

He pouted.  “Well, I bet you’ve had some sort of an argument this week and you made up on Thursday”.

Cheryl frowned, “how can you know that?”

He smiled and shrugged, “You weren’t eating properly and you looked tired, and then yesterday you came into work after a day off and suddenly you were your smiley self again, and you polished off a bigger lunch than Louis.”

“One minute till we go live” came the floor manager’s voice across the floor.

Cheryl smiled and shook her head.  “Unbelievable.  And they say you’re not a softy”.

He winked.  “If the kid’s happy, I’m happy.  But don’t tell anyone I said that” and he popped a mint in his mouth.


Cheryl rolled over onto her stomach, stretching an arm out onto Kimberley’s side of the bed.  She opened one eye when her hand just found mattress, and frowned.

She pulled the duvet across and got out of bed, stretching and noticed the ensuite light was off.  Grabbing her robe off the chair, she made her way downstairs, putting it on and listening out for noise.


She flicked on the radio and set about making tea, frowning as she tried to work out where Kimberley could be.

She took her phone off the table where she had left it the night before and dialled Kimberley’s number, confused.  As the call connected she drummed her fingers impatiently on the table.  

Suddenly the sound of Kimberley’s familiar ringtone made her jump and she pouted when she saw Kimberley’s mobile vibrating on the coffee table.  

“Oh great”, she muttered.

Several moments passed, while Cheryl sipped at her tea and thought back to the night before.  Simon had made some cheeky comments about her love life on air, and Holly had done the same with Kimberley when she had interviewed her on her own.  

Cheryl had laughed most of it off but had watched in amazement as Kimberley had done the same.  If Cheryl had been worried how Kimberley would cope with the attention and the questions about their relationship, last night Kimberley had shown her that was all in the past.  

Chim- Chim - I Never Thought I'd Feel This Way (Sequel to 'Tell Me What To Do)Where stories live. Discover now