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When you have some left over red hair dye and you're bored, become Party Poison.


They're watching us. I know they are. They always are.

Unceasing, unmovable.

They've done this since they took over. Making sure we all stay in check. But they have these fear mongering "police", if you could call them that. They're more like torturing demons. Most people are terrified of them and for good reason.

If they knew I was writing this... God knows what they'll do to me. We're not supposed to speak out about them, it'll get you executed. If you do anything to anger them or any authority really, you'll be imprisoned for a few years or life.

But I need to get the word out about them, people need to know about them. We need to stop this. A lot of people probably think I'm stupid for doing this, probably because I'm still a kid.

Like, fuck off dude, I'm 18 legally an adult.

But I need to get out, me and my brother, we're both getting out and let me tell ya, we won't be going back.

Because, the people they know will be missing or dead. Leave them guessing.

I'm by the gates with Mikey as I'm writing this. We're hidden from the guards because we need to wait until midnight. Just ten minutes left.

They will hate us for what we've done to each other. I've dyed my hair bright, in-your-face red. And Mikey is actually being Mikey. He's trans and he's so happy that he doesn't have to be misgendered anymore. I helped him cut his hair short and bleached it blond. He also got his binder that he's been hiding in his closet back at our old house on. God, he's so happy.

But now is not the time for sappiness, we need to go.

It's time.

We're going to the zones.

Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh boi, it's happening! The killjoy fic is up and running.
I'm really excited about this and just.... AAAAAHHHHHHH

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