Princess Needs

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It was the year one thousand, you see.  Everyone seems to care what a Princess needs.  Many are spoiled in so many ways.  Don't appreciate anything that does come their way.

Princess Lora was one who always had needs.  Needs to be spoil with material things.  She didn't care much for other feelings.  Only what she wanted was important to her.  

For her father birthday, she needed a gift.  Didn't have any money, to buy such a thing.  She went to the store to steal a wallet, for her father, for she didn't have money.   

She walked through the store, a little nervous, you see, for she never did such a horrible thing.  She spotted the wallet, that she needed to have, she took it out the box and placed it in her bag.  Out of the store, she quickly walked out, happy to accomplish the plan she put out. 

She arrived at the castle very happy you see.  She has her father's gift, that was all that she needs.  Then out of the blue comes a knock on the door.  It was a young clerk, who worked at the store.  "I know what you did and you know you are wrong. Bring the things back, and I won't call the cops.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what you're saying.  I didn't take anything, that I wasn't deserving.

"I know you're a princess, for the King is your Dad.  It's not an excuse to steal, for you know that is bad."

"Again I repeat, for I didn't steal a thing.  I will tell my father, what you just did say.  I'll make sure you're are punish for accusing me, sir.   I didn't take anything, you said that I took.  Please do me a favor and go far away, for now, you are fire, your job is now lost, for minding my business,  your family might starve.  I didn't steal anything for I am the Princess.  If you lie about me again, you might lose your head"  She pushes him out the way, as she went on her way.  Happy and content that she did get her way.

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