Chapter 19

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As the famous Beauty and the Beast song began to play, Amber got up.

"What are you doing?" Daniel asked in an undertone.

Henley had fallen asleep and Merritt was totally absorbed by the movie.

"Popcorn," Amber answered quickly, "You have some, I checked earlier."

Daniel glared at her.

"What else did you-"

"SHHHH!" Merritt snarled.

Daniel snapped his mouth shut but watched Amber like a hawk as she stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

Jack leapt up and followed her as she began digging around in a drawer for the bag of popcorn she had spotted earlier.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked quietly as she pulled the plastic wrap off the bag.

Jack shrugged and she turned around to put the bag in the microwave. The thick greasy paper clung to her fingertips as she shoved it in the microwave and set the timer for three minutes.

The loud sound of the microwave filled the kitchen as soon as she pressed start. The bag began turning in circles as the heat filled the microwave.

"Actually, I do wanna say something," Jack said slowly.

Amber nodded and turned around, leaning against the oven.


The kid took a breath and locked his eyes with hers.

"Sorry," he began stiffly, "For the scare I gave you with, well ya know, the crash."

Amber bit her lip and turned around to look in the microwave.

"It's fine, Jack," she said in a shaky voice, "You're alright so it's in the past."


"It's fine, Jack," she said firmly, "You don't have to apologize."

"Yeah I do. It's my fault you had that second panic attack."

Amber's face flushed and she glanced towards the popcorn bag, which was now puffed up slightly.


"And it's not just that," Jack added firmly, "You looked at me weird at the police station, like I reminded you of someone."

Amber's blood ran cold.

Jack studied her face and his brown eyes filled with determination.

"I'm not him, Amber," he said slowly, "I'm not Evan. You don't have to protect me or save me or whatever-"

"You were in a burning car!" She nearly shouted indignantly.

Jack raised a hand and waved away her angry retorts.

"Look, Amber," he said calmly, "I'm just saying, I can watch out for myself. Thanks though."

Amber glared at him as he gently brushed past her to get a bowl. The microwave beeped to let the pair know that it was finished. It's dull beeping filled the small kitchen, accompanied by the quiet voices coming from the television.

Jack turned back around holding a blue tupperware bowl in his hands and glanced from Amber to the microwave.

"You gonna get that or-?"

Amber whipped around and forcefully yanked the little door of the microwave open and grabbed the popcorn bag.

Steam gushed from the bag and the edges of it were covered in burning butter that scalded Amber's fingers slightly. She sucked in a breath before dumping the contents of the bag into the bowl.

"There," she said stiffly as she crushed the bag in her hands.

"Thanks," Jack replied coolly, "And sorry, 'bout your brother."

Amber's hands balled into fists, crumpling the popcorn bag even more.

She nodded tersely and he walked from the kitchen, chomping on popcorn.

Amber took a deep breath, stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes.

The distant echo of Evan's screams played in her ears. Fire danced beneath her closed lids and she quickly opened her eyes, breathing hard.

She looked over towards the couch and realized with a jolt that Daniel was watching her through calculating eyes. He blinked owlishly at her before sneering and turning back around.

Amber licked her lips, sighed then walked over to the couch and sat back down as far away as she could from him on the same couch.

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