Chapter Five--In Desperate Need of Alcohol

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Chapter Five

In Desperate Need of Alcohol

Liam sat on his bed thinking about the boy he had just seen.

"So sexy...." he thought in his head. He knew Niall was right. Zayn didn't seem like the type to just up and have sex with some random guy. But Liam would get his way. He always did.

There was something about Liam that no one knew.

He saw a psychologist on a weekly basis. Liam knew he has psychological issues that needed to be worked out, and he was seeing someone. He just didn't want anyone to know because he believed it would ruin his 'asshole' image he worked so hard to maintain.

Also, Liam didn't really give a shit about whether or not he got any better. He really only went because he really wanted to get into the pants of his psychologist.

It was the day of his appointment. He knew he had to get up; he didn't want to. He reluctantly got up off of his bed and made his way downstairs so he could grab the proper shoes.

He always tried his best to look sublime in order to aid in his efforts to get in bed with the doctor.

Liam quickly got his shoes and made his way to his car. His vehicle was a black 2001 Hyundai Sonata that Niall's father fixed up for him a few months back.

He got in and was on his way.

Liam's GPS told him the first time he went that it would take him 25 minutes to get there. However, the way Liam drives, it only takes him 15.

When he arrived he got out of the car and strode over to the entrance door. He entered and saw his doctor's assistant.

"Hey there Kelly." he said with a wink. Kelly just rolled her eyes and looked away from Liam.

"Oh that was cold babe." he said.

"Don't call me babe." she said roughly.

"Oohhh feisty. I like feisty."

"Fuck off and wait for your appointment to actually start. Over there. In the waiting room." She said coldly to him. Clearly there was some history between the two.

Liam chuckled and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He waited for about 20 minutes until Kelly told him, with agitation in her voice, to go back and see his psychologist.

"Thank you!" He said sarcastically as he arose from his seat and walked to the door that led to the back where all of the offices were.

He strolled down the hallway until he reached the correct door. The name sign on the door read:

Louis Tomlinson Ph.D., PC

Liam knocked hard on the door. He heard movement from within the room and Dr. Tomlinson made his way to the door to greet his patient.

The door finally opened and Liam was met by Louis, his doctor.

"Liam! How are you? Come in, come in." Louis said as he turned around and walked back into his office, leading Liam inside the room.

"So Mr. Payne, how have you been? How are the Horans?" Louis asked. He always tried to start off the appointment with personal questions about Liam and his life. However, the conversations always swayed from professional, to something else..

"You know I hate talking about them babe. Let's talk about how sexy that tie makes you look instead." Liam said as he sat down on the comfortable cushion chair.

Louis rolled his eyes and smiled. He was a rather young doctor. Always smarter than everyone else. "Liam, you know very well that I have a boyfriend."

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