Back With Cyborg

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" come here often? I noticed you from across the way, and let me just say, I think you're gorgeous. Would you like me to flex for you? Nah, you wouldn't...Okay, okay, no need to beg! I'll flex for you anytime. In fact how about tonight at 7? I'll pick you up in my car, we could go out for dinner. You're not vegetarian are you? Of course not! Heh heh. Now normally, I wouldn't kiss on the first date, as it's too soon ya know, but for you? I could make an exception..."

"Excuse me sir, but if you're done flirting with that ketchup bottle, perhaps you wouldn't mind going home now? We're closing up pretty soon..." The bored waitress said in monotone.

"GAAH! F-flirting! With a ketchup! Th-that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! I wasn't flirting!" Cyborg said indignantly as he stood up and hastily made for the door. He had just left the doorway when he swiftly turned back only to find the same waitress had locked the door and was turning off the lights.

He walked up to the window and breathed a big puff of air onto it before using his finger to trace: WAS NOT FLURTING!

The waitress stared impassively at the seemingly crazed robot as she picked up the phone and prepared to dial the cops. He saw this and quickly sped away from the pizza parlor whistling in an attempt to look as innocent as possible. Once he was far enough away he plopped down on a nearby bench and started muttering under his breath, "I wasn't flirting, just testin my skills...I could get a date if I wanted to! I...just never had the time! Haven't met the right lady yet. It'll happen, of course it will!"

"Mommy, that weird man is scaring me!" Said a little girl to her mother who took one look at Cyborg and grabbed her daughter's hand before tugging her away.

"IT'LL HAPPEN!" He shouted after them before sitting back down.

"What'll happen?"

"GAH!" Cyborg yelled before turning around to face the girl who had scared him, "Geez what is it with you girls? You're all ninjas!" He shouted

The woman laughed before taking a seat next to him. "I wish! Nah, instead I'm just a part time worker at a deli. And let me tell you, it is TORTURE! Being around all that steak and bacon all day and not being able to eat it?! Hey, if I show you something, you promise not to tell my boss?"

Cyborg knew as soon as she said deli that he would promise anything that she asked of him and so he nodded slowly, enraptured by this strange lady. And inevitably, when she opened her purse and inside lay a whole uncut ham, he felt himself fall just a little bit in love.

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