Twenty Questions

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Raven's Favorite Color Ch 1

The door to the Jump City Pizza Palace swings open and smacks loudly against the wall. Beast Boy bursts inside and races up to the counter followed shortly by his best friend Cyborg, both in an effort to beat the other to the line first and order their preferred pizza for the whole table.

The door swings slowly open once more as the rest of the exhausted Teen Titans come lumbering slowly in after them. A fight with Mad Mod is the reason for their presence at the pizza joint-as they were celebrating yet another victory-as well as for their weakened state.

Robin, their fearless leader, chooses a corner booth perfect for surveillance on the other customers and an unobstructed view of the door and majority of the windows in the vicinity. Robin was being paranoid yet again and had been especially so since the defeat of Trigon.

Starfire joins Robin at the table and claims the seat directly next to him, in fact she was practically sitting on his lap, much to his delight. An annoyed Raven sits on the other side of the booth as far from the two lovebirds as possible. They weren't an official couple yet, but everyone knew it was just a matter of time.

Raven, after double checking that her hood was up, turned her attention to the counter where a certain changeling was currently arguing intensely with his robotic friend about the pizza toppings.

"We'll take the pepperoni meatball pizza please!" Cyborg told the woman behind the counter.

"Um, no. We'll actually have one vegetarian pizza thank you very much!" He said shooting an indignant look at his friend before noticing a cloaked observer watching them from their table.

He blushed quickly and looked away only to see Cyborg in the process of paying for an all meat pizza.

"Aww dude!" Beast Boy groaned.

"Sorry BB, you should've been paying attention instead of making googly eyes at Raven." Cyborg said laughing at his friend's sudden horrified expression.

"Dude! I was NOT making googly eyes! And could you keep your voice down please?! What if she hears you?!" Beast Boy says chancing a glance her way only to see her reading a book with her head bent cutely to the side.

"Bro, you're staring at her right now! And you've got this dreamy look on your face! Hah!" Cyborg teased. Beast Boy scowled and made a huffing noise.

"Whatever man! Let's just hurry up and finish ordering I'm starving!" he said turning to the amused lady behind the counter and ordered a pizza, vegetarian this time.

After receiving the pizza he headed over to the table to see Cyborg, Starfire, and Robin devouring the meat lover's pizza. He wrinkled his nose in disgust and was about to tuck into his own pizza before he noticed Raven wasn't eating anything.

"Hey Rae, don't you want any pizza?" He inquired.

"It's Raven, and no, I don't eat meat anymore." She replied still reading her book.

"Wait, what?! Since when are you vegetarian!?" He asked her sounding shocked. She sighed and put her book down on the table after dog-earing the page.

"I recently discovered that consuming less meat helps me to control my powers more easily." She said.

"Oh...well, uh, here." He grabbed her a napkin and placed two slices of his vegetarian pizza onto it and placed it in front of her.

She looked at the napkin and then up at him before replying with a soft, "Thanks."

Beast Boy could just see the hint of a smile through the folds of her hood. He returned the small smile with a huge grin of his own before turning to the rest of the table who were sitting in almost awkward silence and making only occasional idle chitchat.

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