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It has been nearly a month. The triplets were well behaved, in the morning at least. At night, they would set off crying every hour. Natsu never let me put them back to sleep. He insisted on doing it himself so that I could rest. Last night was the same. I left my room to look the triplets. Natsu always takes them out of the crib of our room when they are asleep, and take them to the living room. I saw Natsu knocked out on the couch, with slight bags under his eyes. Hoshi was cuddled against Natsu's left side hugging Happy. Miki was holding her pink blankie and sucking on her thumb, next to Chika, both on Natsu's right side. I smiled and kissed Natsu on his forehead softly. I looked at the three little angels. "You little cuties..."


Natsu was eating a sandwich while the triplets were playing with each other in their little play pen, drawing with their fingers on the ground, bouncing a ball, or playing with their toes. Natsu still looked tired.

"(Name)?" I looked back at Natsu.

"Yeah?" I stood next to him.

He groaned slightly and lay his head on the table, "why is this so tiring?"

I giggled and sat down next to him, "it gets harder, I promise you that."

"Uhhh..." He groans and covers his head with his arms.

I smiled and kissed his head, "go take a nap, I'll play with the kids until you wake."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I smiled, "yeah, go and rest up." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I'm sleeping on the couch, too tired to go upstairs.." He mumbled.

"Heh, yeah okay."

I was in the play pen with the triplets. I was teaching Miki and Chika how to play peekaboo. Hoshi was in my lap with his head resting against my stomach. He was playing with my hair like a cat. "Miki~ Chika~ peekaboo! I see you~" they both smiled and cooed biting their thumbs cutely. All three have such soft hair on their heads. Chika had pink like her father, Miki and Hoshi had black hair. It was confusing to why they did, but I didn't question it. Miki and Chika crawled to some toys and played on their own. I picked up Hoshi from my lap and gently rocked him to sleep.

"Did you not get enough sleep?" I whispered and Hoshi wrapped his wittle arms around my neck and soft little giggles escaped his mouth. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too little Hoshi.." I whispered and rubbed his back.

~2 hours later~

The triplets have all fallen asleep. Natsu was still asleep. I watched the three little babies sleep. Suddenly I felt something on my head. I looked up and saw it was Grey.

"Hey." He said.

I smiled at him and nodded. "How has Natsu been?"

"He's great, but he's not sleeping enough.." I mumbled.

"I can help if you like." Grey said.

"Take Natsu on a job or something, he seems itching to fight ever since I brought the triplets home.." I muttered.

"Heh, he hasn't been on much jobs though.." Grey said.

"Exactly my point. Also, we need the money. I don't want you and the team to always share your rewards with us because of this. Take him on a job and get his mind off of.. things. For a while at least." I said to Grey.

"Yeah.. Okay." Grey said patting my head.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

~time skip: next week~
Natsu and Grey have been going on a bunch of jobs like promised. Whenever Natsu comes home, he always plays with the kids before hanging out with me, and then leaving for a job the next day after eating breakfast and feeding the triplets. I feel bad that he has too ride the train so much though...

Natsu x Reader(x Sting): 7 Lost YearsWhere stories live. Discover now