Just Another Crush

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A/N ... Hey loool how's it going everyone? I've been pretty bored lately so I update rather quickly for the time being.
That aside , How are u enjoying my story? Leave a comment to let me know.




I was finally released from the hospital after three days of being comatose and 3 more days or rest and observation. I was homesick and eager to get back to school, I missed a week of training and my body feels foreign.

I get ready and give Jada a shout to get a move on, I'm about to leave for school .

"Jada could you be any slower?" I asked

"I'm sorry, beauty like this does take time to perfect."

"Well I hope that beauty can drive your pretty arse to school this morning." I snapped.

"NO need to be such a grump big brother, get in the car I'm on my way."

" I'm just sorry women globally suffer stereotyping because of girls like you!" I said finally before getting in the car. Her face showed no signs of amusement meaning I had won.

She followed shortly and we were on our way. We sat listening to 'Message Man' by Twenty One Pilots.

You don't know my brain the way you know my name
You don't know my heart the way you know my face
You don't know what I've done
I'm wanted and on the run
I'm wanted and on the run, so I'm taking this moment to live in the future

Release me from the prison, I'm obsessing all these questions
Why I'm in denial that they try this suicidal session
Please use discretion when your messing with the message man
These lyrics aren't for everyone only if you understand....

I was humming while she sang along, we were siblings as well as best friends, but suddenly she shut off the radio and I gave her a questioned look.

"Why did you turn off the radio?" I questioned " we were having fun."

"Yeah I know but I wanted to talk to you," She said , oh no what was the problem this time I wonder. " Well I have been wondering for some time now and have been waiting patiently to see if you would say something first but are you into...... guys by any chance?" She said the latter part slowly as if she had struggled.

I admit it wasn't ever a secret I thought I could keep from her forever but I wanted to hold out on it for a couple more months until I'm out of school.

"Yeah I am sis, have been for a while now." I reply truthfully. Her face softened she relaxed.

"Thank God!" Wait what, why thank God? What the hell Jada, now I'm confused. I wasn't sure of what to ask her.

"Huh?" I muttered.

"Well Dantè obviously has the hotts for you and I could tell you didn't have a problem with him, so much so that I thought you may actually return the feelings" She said

Wait am I hearing right? Dantè likes me? Naaah she is paranoid. But she continues.

" I have always imagined what you and Dantè would look like tog......" She starts but I cut her off.

" I will just have to stop you there sis, first off aren't you still sore about your breakup with the guy? Secondly I can't just give in to my desires, I have responsibilities to our family." I said in a matter of factly tone.

"Oh please Wayne, your sexuality has nothing to do with your responsibilities to the family," She retorted.

" I'm guessing you forgot I'm promised to another when school is out, I don't have time for half-assed relationships on the off chance that I may or may not have a crush on someone." I growled getting angry. Not at her but myself for being so powerless to make my own choices.

We had arrived at school, ì parked the car and left Jada within with my last statement. I had to transform now and put up my big bad wolf facade.

I enter the halls and see Kyle right away, and where that imp is Dantè must be nearby. I walk towards them as everyone's gaze seems to turn to me, oh yeah the news must have spread fast. Suddenly the sound of applause fill the halls. It seems the lie has taken root.

Dantè sees me approaching him and turns in the opposite direction and walks off, disappearing into a classroom. Most likely to have a quite place to talk away from everyone. I gladly oblige and follow.

Upon entering the class...

"Hey Mr I can't flip turn but I captain the best highschool swim team" Kyle
Teased me. I had a good mind to just rip him a new one. But I heard the sexiest chuckle that's humanly possible.

He stroked his hair back as his smile slowly faded and I studied how he moved. I was getting lost in thought but remember why I approached him in the first place.

"Kyle as much as u would like to teach you your place, I never did actually say Thank you for saving me, to the both of you in fact." I said earnestly . I realize I was a here for not telling Atleast Dantè sooner because I saw him as soon as I woke up, but it completely slipped my mind.

They seemed shocked like they didn't expect this. That annoyed me somewhat but I shook it off.

"No problem Gawain, just don't go dying on my watch," he joked slightly, my heart fluttered, his voice had such an effect on me I couldn't describe . Normally this would be the part where I try deny all my feelings for him and become depressed and detached. I would like to think I'm too smart for that. I did like him maybe too much for my own good.

He came closer to me, his face mere inches from my own and he deflected to whisper something in my ear.

"Next time you want a kiss all you have to do is ask, the whole coma business is a tad much isn't it." I was shocked and a surge of bliss swept my body. I couldn't move and before I could formulate a response he and Kyle began to leave.

" You really are the biggest tease aren't you, Pervert," I heard Kyle say to him before they finally left and the students for this class started filing in one by one.

I wondered, if I asked him would he really....... see now he won because he has me thinking about it, I bet that was his plan all along to mess with me. Sigh I need to get my mind of him.

The whole day went by and I couldn't keep my focus in any of them, I could only think about training, about seeing him later.

Why must I be stuck with this affliction.


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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