Behind The Brovado

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A/N Hey again who ever sees this.. what do you think, lemme know come one. Hope I kept you thus far and continue to captivate you😙


Song: Heaven by Troye Sivan^^^^




I was watching my family walk away from me, I desperately call for them asking for forgiveness. I didn't choose to be attracted to guys and I could fight what I felt. My family didn't seem to accept that as they turned to give me one last pitiful look before they completely vanished from my view. Suddenly my eyes sprung open and I stared at the ceiling of a room I didn't recognise.

"Shit!" I grimace after trying to move, my head hurts like a bitch. I probed the room with my eyes, and noticed I was in a hospital. Wow what happened I thought to myself.

"Well it's good to see you're finally away." A voice said followed by a sharp pain from the strong embrace I felt. I looked up, it was my sister Jada. " You gave us all quite the scare!" She continued with that British accent she picked up. Strangely I felt warmth and security in it and she was surprisingly great at it. "Bloody Hell Wayne say something!" She demanded.

"I'm sorry, I just don't remember anything, what was I doing that got me here," questions puzzled my mind which only made my headache worse.

"Calm down Wayne, you have been out for three days and ironicly you need more rest," She said, but I chucked at her response, it always did make us wonder how comatose patients sleep from days to years but when they awake they still need more 'rest'.

But it had just clicked, "Three Days!" I reacted, quite a delayed reaction really. She looked at me an gave me a sweet giggle. I simply adore my little sister, like a doting brother with a sister complex. Made me remember what that mongrel had her endure, alone. " Hey Jada, what exactly happened?" I asked calmly just expecting an answer.

"Well you bumped your noggin on a wall." She said like a ditz, demonstrating the scenario with a childish atmosphere. I narrowed my eyes and looked at her. " What? Is the truth brother, you were swimming and hit your head while doing some thingy-ma-bob at the wall... You know the turn flip or whatever, even water had gotten in your lungs, had to perform CPR." She exclaimed and it was coming back to me in peices. I challenged him to a race and ended up almost killing myself, I'm never gonna live this down.

However my thoughts were disturbed by a familiar figure entering the room. Before I could anything Jada pounced like a cat towards him, wrapping her legs around him, in a hug. He spoke.

"Hey Jay, I see you're in high spirits since the boy whose life I saved has woken up," he said with the biggest smirk depicting my defeat and almost demanding my embarrassment. Dantè you prick.

"Yeah, he's been kind of out of it since he woke a little while ago," She replied. I can't believe they are so friendly it's stifling.

"May I remind you I am right here and quite fine." I growled at them, they laughed at me quietly but that aside now I know it was he who saved me, so he performed my CPR?. Naaah couldn't be him, maybe I'll ask.
"So if it was you who saved me, does that mean you were the one to give me CPR and get me to the hospital?" I questioned with a straight face, I can't let them jump to any conclusions.

" Nope I got you here but I didn't perform the CPR," he replied, shit I feel a tad dissapointed now, wait why?. Come on Gawain pull yourself together man. you have been fighting all these urges, don't let one guy undo them, he only looks good, nothing more.

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