Chapter 3

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Once I entered my first class of the day, I sat in my usually seat. Since there are two rows of four seats, Me, Charlie, Marcus, and Alison sit together. I sit in the middle. I set my backpack down and pull out the assignment that's on the board. I am looking over it to make sure that everything is right, when I feel someone sit down to my left. I look up to see my best friend, Alison. We have known each other since we were two. Our moms were friends in high-school, and when my mother was alive we hung out almost everyday.  So we are both very close now.

"Well, someone looks like hell," She says looking at the door. I turn my head to see Marcus walking in with sunglasses on. I laugh as I remember the phone call last night. He sits down with a huff and lays his head on the desk. "So what was that joke you wanted to tell me, last night," I laugh. "Oh, you mean the one where, I kill you for yelling in my ear," He whispers from under his arms. Me and Alison laugh. "Where were you last night, man, I didn't hear about any parties," Ali asks. "I honestly don't remember, last night was a blur," He responds. I get up and walk around him and go into his backpack. Once he hears me unzip the first pocket he asks ,"What are you doing?" "Getting the paper out of your backpack." I say digging around his backpack. "You didn't do it, did you," I hear Alison ask him. "Nope. But I do feel like I have to puke," He responds. I laugh quietly and zip his backpack up.

I sit back in my seat as soon as Charlie walks into the classroom. He plops in the seat beside me. He pull out the assignment and looks at me. "No," I say loudly which causes Marcus to jump and hiss as he lays his head back onto the table. "Please, My mother's gonna kill me, literally!" "Stop yelling," Marcus hisses. We laugh. "Fine." "Thank you, Thank you. I Love You," He says happily and gives me a one arm hug. He starts copying my answers and as soon as he's finished the tardy bell rings. He slides my paper back over to me, and the teacher walks into the classroom.

"Mr. Truth glasses,"our history teacher, Mr. Sinantra says. Marcus pulls the glasses off and lays his head back down. "All right after morning announcements, we will watch the news." Everyone mutters an 'okay' or 'yes, sir'. We all stand for the pledge, then sit for the rest of announcements. I look around the room and see people drawing, reading, and one kid aiming a rubber band at the person in front of them. I look over to see Marcus sound asleep on the desk. I see Charlie looking over the paper, and I see Alison looking at herself in a compact mirror.

Once the announcements are finally over Mr. Sinantra turns on the projector. He puts on the news and turns the lights off. I lay my head down, and I see Alison do the same. I start to dose off..........

(This is the dream, she has)
"Do you have to go, Mommy. Daddy's cooking isn't very good," I say to my mother as she starts to put her heels on, She chuckles. "Well, I will be back before you know it, then you and your brother can help me make dinner." "Yay," I squeal and jump into her arms. She hugs me back tightly. "I love you, Mommy," I whisper in her ear. "I love you too, Kitten,"She laughs. She pulls back and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Then she starts shaking me. "Eve," She whispers,"Eve."

I jerk back into reality to see Alison moving my arm. "Are you okay, you started crying," She asks. I sniff and wipe my face. "Fine." I sit back up and try to focus on what the reporter is saying, but all I can think about is my mother's face. I am about to raise my hand to be excused but I hear something from the screen. The reporter is standing in front of a crime scene. Which happens to be a rival school, Sir Grant Highschool. "We are standing in front of Sir Grant High, where a boy has just mysteriously dropped dead. We don't have the full report but, we do know that the school will be closed for a week. The Mayor has asked for no panic and says the police will handle it. Back at you Jim," The reporter finishes. "Thanks, Wanda. What a pity,and now for the weather fourcast," I hear Jim McGraw, The head anchor on the news says. 

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