Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait for the update. I went on a lot of traveling. One of which was to Disney World. Anyways, I hope you like the chapter! This is for anyone to read, or occupy while on a trip.

*cough* Slade *cough, cough*

On with the story! XD

Alvin laid on his bed, miserable. After his whole fiasco with Brittany, she had blabbed to the whole school of his actions. He had gotten suspended for a month, grounded by Dave, and all his electronics taken away. The only thing of the world he had left was the TV. At least Dave wasn't that harsh to take away everything he had.

Sighing, Alvin stared at the ceiling. Was he really all those things people said? Was he really nothing? Was he really just a piece of trash? Was he really the son of the devil himself? No one has ever told him otherwise. Well, actually the only person who stood up for him, had abandoned him a month ago.

Whatever, Alvin thought. It's not like I needed Slade anyway. So what if he was the only one who got me? So what if he was always the one to stand by my side when the world was against me? Alvin groaned to himself. He couldn't get Slade off of his mind. No matter how hard he tried, Slade had glued himself to his brain.

So what if he was the one to comfort me when I was upset...even if it wasn't his thing, he would always find time to make sure I was okay...

Face it, miss him. Admit it.

Alvin looked around in confusion.

"Who said that? Simon? Theodore?"

No, you idiot. They went to get ice cream with Dave, remember?

Who are you?

Who am I? Alvin, I'm your conscious. Your guide in life, and right now, I am guiding you to realize that you miss and may I add, need Slade.

Ha! I don't need Slade. Why would I need Slade?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe because he was your best friend?! Maybe you had his back and you knew he would always have yours?

If he had my back, then why did he leave me? Answer me that, conscious.

He was afraid?

Alvin chuckled to himself. Was his conscious actually being serious about that?

Slade afraid? He's never afraid.

Are you sure about that, Alvin? He was afraid of you when you were being a jerk to him?

He was not afraid, okay? He was annoyed.

And what did he say?

He said he had had enough of me and needed some space, then he ran out of the school. I haven't seen him since.

Mmm hmm. He was afraid.


I don't know, maybe he was afraid to talk to you, so he put on an annoyed expression so he wouldn't seem soft to the other kids at the school. Alvin, Slade is not just one sided.

He was to me sometimes.

That's because you guys were so close that he felt comfortable around you to be himself. Do you know what he's like around other people?

No, what is he like conscious?

*sigh* He's broken. Alvin, you're like family to him, he's been keeping something from you, and you should ask him about it. It may be the reason for his stubborness. You never know until you ask him.

Even if I did want to ask him, he wouldn't listen to me, I was such a jerk to him, I bet he doesn't even want to look at me anymore.

You don't know that.

And you do?


Thought so. I am just a mistake in this world.


I should have never been born.


I was just a waste of time for everyone. I was nothing but a piece of trash, invisible to everyone. A known jerk and a forgotten popstar.

But, Alvin-


Alvin, please listen...

No...I don't want to listen, now just...leave me alone...


Alvin threw his pillow at the window and screamed. How was he going to get through the day in this state?

How was he going to get through life alone?

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