Chapter 3

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*somewhere far from the Chipmunks*

Slade sat down at a table with two drinks. He smiled as he gave one to Carbon.

"Here." Taking a sip, Slade looked at Carbon. "Thanks. So, you sure are enjoying yourself."

Slade chuckled as he took another sip and blinked. "I sure am. I gotta tell you, Carbon, this is the best decision I have ever made."

Carbon frowned as he got lost in thought. He disagreed with that statement every time Slade said it.


No reply.

"Hello? Carbon?"

No reply.

"Hey! Carbon!" Slade snapped his fingers in his friend's face.

Snapping out of it, Carbon looked at him. "Huh? Oh, sorry. What is it, Slade?"

Slade just rolled his eyes and growled softly. "Carbon, why do you always get lost in thought when I give you that answer? The first three times were okay, but now, it's just rude."

Carbon sighed, taking another sip of his drink to relax his nerves. He wouldn't admit it, but he was nervous to tell Slade this because he knew what Slade could possibly to him, even so, Slade was known for getting easily angered.

"Well?" Carbon looked at Slade, who had his arms crossed over his chest, obviously waiting for an answer.

"Slade, I hope I don't make you angry by saying this, but do you really think leaving Alvin to come here was the best decision you ever made?"

Slade stared at his friend, a poker face plastered on him. He was not expecting Carbon to say that at all.

Finally getting his thoughts together, Slade cleared his throat and locked eyes with him. "Carbon. What's going on with me and Alvin is none of your concern, okay? So don't waste your breath talking about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see if I can score a date."

Carbon growled to himself as Slade got up and went to the bar. He knew Slade didn't want him to talk about Alvin, but, to him, he felt like he had to. Slade was slowly going into denial and forgetting Alvin. Which was why he came here.

Slade had dragged Carbon from the school after Alvin had started acting like a jerk. After a whole week of Alvin being nothing but mean, Slade had left, without even knowing the truth for Alvin's bitterness.

Carbon knew Slade had to know the truth, whether he wanted to or not.

Getting off his chair, Carbon started making his way through the sea of chipmunks around him.

He was almost there when he was stopped by a chipmunk who was slightly taller than him, had a long white shirt on, black jeans, and white converse. He also wore a gold chain necklace.

"Excuse me, I need to get to my friend."

The chipmunk just stared at him, blowing a bubble, than popping it. "Hey, wanna dance?"

Carbon growled. He was defiantly not in the mood for this dude.

"No, thank you."

The chipmunk just blocked his way as Carbon tried to get through, making him growl a second time. "Aw, come on. Don't be a party pooper."

Carbon shoved past the chipmunk without saying another word. He didn't want to get caught in another fight.

Finally getting to the bar, Carbon saw Slade flirting with both girls and boys.


Carbon frowned as he got no response.

"Hey, Slade?"

Still getting no response, Carbon then let out a low growl.


Slade finally looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you?" Carbon looked at the group of chipmunks that were surrounding Slade. "Alone?"

Slade nodded. "Sure." He then turned to the group of chipmunks. "See you later."

They all smiled and giggled as they walked away. "Okay, Slade!"

Slade took a sip of his drink as he turned to his friend. "What's on your mind, Carbon?"

Carbon growled and grabbed Slade by the collar, getting close to his face. "You made a mistake leaving Alvin."

Now, Slade was frowning as he gently pushed Carbon away. "I told you not to talk about him. And why would say that? Alvin was a jerk when we were there."

Carbon sighed and shook his head. "But do you know why he was acting like that?"

Slade scoffed and nodded. "So he could seem cooler."

Carbon looked at Slade, now shocked. "Did Alvin tell you that, Slade?"

Slade shook his head and took another sip. "No, Derek did. Why?"

Carbon looked at him with a straight face. "He lied to you. That wasn't the reason."

Slade now looked confused. "He did?"

Carbon nodded. "Slade, the reason Alvin's been acting jerky is because people have been putting him down. With negative comments, pictures, texts, tweets, everything. No one buys their music anymore because Alvin's singing."

Slade's eyes widened and he spit out the liquid that was in his mouth at the moment. "You mean to tell me that I ditched Alvin when he needed me?"

Carbon nodded slowly. "I'm afraid so, Slade."

Frowning, Slade slammed his glass down on the bar, breaking it.

As the bartender yelled at him, Slade ran to the exit, Carbon following right behind him.

"Wait, Slade!"

Slade quickly stepped and turned around. "What, Carbon? I'm kinda in a hurry, here.

Carbon took a few deep breaths before continuing his sentence.

"Where are you going?"

Slade came face to face with Carbon, his eyes locked on his.

"I'm going home. I'm going to Alvin."

Wild Rebel [An ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now