Chapter 25

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The news conference has ended by the time I get back. Most of the kids are at their usual tables or on the steps of the stairway, while others mill around the facility. They're not behaving like I missed anything earth-shattering while I was gone, so I doubt the news ended with a bang.

Before I return to my table, I make a detour over to the scared kid. He's sitting pale-faced next to his friends, staring down at the table while they eat breakfast. His eyes are red and puffy. "You okay?" I ask him, wondering if I should have brought Willow with me.

He glances at me and then looks away.

"He's been like this since last night," another boy says with an irritated look. "He freaked out at first because the water in the bathroom went out for a while. He started going on about how we're all going to die of thirst. Dumbass."

"Hey, be nice," a girl with a nose piercing says.

"Why? You're just as sick of listening to his doomsday attitude as I am."

"Yeah, but I'm not acting a jerk over it. You could try being nice every once in a while."

While he snorts, another girl across the table pipes up, "Hey, you're Willow's friend, aren't you?"

"Um, yeah," I answer.

"We're roommates. What's up with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"She goes to the bathroom a lot in the middle of the night."

I blink at her. "So?"

Her face scrunches up in an annoyed way that tells me she was hoping for dirt on Willow. I walk away, shaking my head. What was she fishing for anyway? Yeah, Willow's got a bladder problem. I'll suggest adult diapers next time I see her. Though this might explain why she always looks like she hasn't slept a wink. Maybe she locks herself in the bathroom every night so that she can destress somewhere no one can see her.

We're all screwed up in our own way.

Willow and Alec don't see me as I walk over to them. Right off the bat, I pick up on unmistakable cues of tension: Willow is frowning at the distance, arms crossed, while Alec leans toward her across the table in a clearly aggressive manner. He jabs a finger against the tabletop, emphasizing whatever point he's making.

". . . Ignore this," he's saying. "He's dangerous."

"Just leave it alone. I can deal with him."

"You're doing a fine job of that."

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing," Willow replies.

I think about what Alec said. "Is this about Eli?"

Anger twitches across Alec's face. He stares at Willow before looking at me. "I know what happened in the white room during inspection."

She brushes her hair over one shoulder in a dismissive gesture. "Nothing happened. So what if Eli walked in while we were getting dressed? He didn't say a word to us."

"Only because Janie and her friends were there. What happens the next time you're alone in the shower room or somewhere no one can get to you? What then?"

I've never seen Alec this angry about anything. He's always been lackadaisical in a way, more interested in floating by and getting along with everyone than in ruffling any feathers. Then again, I can see him in the knight-in-shining-armor role.

It's too bad this damsel has no interest in being saved.

"I'm going to check on Carson," Willow says. She slips out of her seat and hurries away before either of us can react.

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