Author's Note

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Hi guys! I know I don’t normally do this, but I felt that, with this book, it was necessary. This book, if you can’t tell already, is a series of essays that I have written about my life. It is all completely true. There may be a few minor exaggerations here and there, but nothing to alter the story. But most of this is memory, so please bear with me.

Some of the essays in this book deal with serious issues that I deal with, whether it be family, emotional, or otherwise. Please understand that I am not suicidal, and I will not do anything to harm myself, not now or in the future. The parts of the book that discuss my depression are from a while ago (particularly “Notes, Etc.”), even though I write them as though they happened recently. This is due to the simple fact of when they were written. I am okay now, but felt the need to publish these to shed some light on issues that a lot of people are going through, particularly on this site.

I will be placing trigger warnings on any chapters I feel could trigger anything at all, whether it be depression, sadness, anything. I would not want to cause emotional distress or anything of that nature. But please understand that, while some of the essays in this book are light-hearted and fun, this is not a light book. It is filled with dark-humor, bad language, and dark themes. Please keep this in mind.

With that, I will end this. I hope you enjoy reading, and if you have any questions or comments feel free to comment them or PM them to me. I’ll be ecstatic and answer them as soon as possible.




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