Chapter 21: Annabeth

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Jason threw Annabeth his sword and ran to Piper. But before he could touch her, there was a sound of cement scraping. A huge door opened, releasing hordes of nasty monsters into the chamber. It was as if the entire town had been gathered there the whole time. Percy yelled orders at Jason, who understood and fought alongside Percy. Annabeth scrambled over to the girls and began to cut their ropes.

     "Annabeth," Piper breathed. Val was unconscious. Annabeth was immediately thrown into a panic.

     "Percy!" she yelled. He turned, and seeing Val's condition, began to make his way toward them when he suddenly ducked and swung his sword in front of him. Half of a hellhound soared over his head and crumbled into dust. Jason sliced through Scythian Dracenae, and Percy killed five attacking telekhines. Annabeth carried Val into a corner and Piper followed. "What should I do?" Annabeth asked, screaming. Piper shook her head rapidly. Suddenly, Annabeth noticed a moaning injured drakon in the corner. Rushing over there quickly, Annabeth pinned it down. It sneered, then moaned louder. "Tell me how to get out!" she yelled. The monster just moaned even louder. Annabeth was at the end of her patience. "TELL ME!" she screamed. The dying monster winced and lifted a claw, gesturing towards the door. She grabbed Val and Piper ran alongside her to the closing door. In a decisive leap, they rolled under the door right as it was about to close. "NO!" Annabeth yelled as Piper removed the block of cement Annabeth had placed to keep the door open. "You idiot!" she yelled. Piper winced.

   "What did I do?" she asked unwittingly.

   "You know what you did! Now both of our husbands are trapped inside that monster-filled chamber to die, and it's all your fault. All I wanted to do was move Val to safety." Piper began to cry.

  "I...I didn't mean..." Piper sobbed. Annabeth was brimming with adrenaline and instantly more aggravated than usual. She didn't have time to deal with Piper's whining.

   "Just shut up and let me think," Annabeth yelled, rubbing her forehead and scanning the room, her eyes darting from wall to wall and down the hall. All of a sudden, she noticed a niche in the wall. Running to it, she realized that it was like a reset button, driven deep into the cement hole. Frantically, she pulled a dagger from her belt and shoved it inside with a scrape of metal. Simultaneously, the huge doors lifted gradually. Piper, at Annabeth's direction, scooped up Val and raced into the corner as Annabeth flew into battle. Her energy blasted her into action and she killed ten monsters in one swipe. When she was distracted with a telekhines, another monster lunged beneath her and bit into her thigh. She crumpled to the floor, groaning in agony.

Percy screamed her name and bolted to her side, screaming at Jason to hold up the fight. Annabeth struggled to get up. "I...I...Val..."she muttered. The room seemed to close in around her. Percy rubbed her back and tore off his shirt, wetting it with his K-Mart water bottle and wrapping her wound. Annabeth took deep breaths and gathered her wits. "How's the battle going? Is it looking up?"she asked wearily. Percy laid her in his arms and kissed her. She grinned like an idiot and the battle noise seemed to wane. Percy sighed.

    "Well, seeing as this is a city full of regenerating monsters, we're gonna need some help. Immortal help." Annabeth knew by his knowing stare that he counted on his father to come. It was possible, since he was in his realm. Percy closed his eyes tight, and so did Annabeth. Please, Posiedon, Ruler of Water, come to our aid. Please, Posiedon, Ruler of Water, come to our aid. Suddenly, a bright light, so luminescent that they had to shield their eyes for fear of disintegrating into ash, flashed into the room. When the blinding light dissipated, Posiedon stood there, twelve feet tall in his godly form, towering above the monster military. The demigods backed up as he blasted them with a current of water so huge, it seemed like the whole Indian Ocean. The water washed the monsters away, slamming them against the concrete walls of the chamber and dissolving them into salt water. When the water cleared, only Piper, Val, Annabeth, Percy, Jason and Posiedon were left. Posiedon shrank to human size and scratched his head. Percy repeated the action, Piper and Jason kissed, and Val coughed as Annabeth held her in her arms. Posiedon sighed.

   "You fought valiantly," he said to Percy, Jason and Annabeth. Percy had healed her leg with the water current. Piper looked gipped.

    "What about me, Lord Posiedon?" she asked, straightening. Posiedon laughed.

    "You, my dear, were a ditsy she-wuss," he said wholeheartedly. Piper looked down. Posiedon approached her and lifted her chin. "Just like your mother, beautiful in every way." Percy looked confused.

    "Father, were you watching us the whole time?"he asked respectively. Posiedon nodded.

    "Percy, my wall has split-screen view. I watch all of my children, and their friends, and, erm, more than friends," he said, smiling at Annabeth, "at all times. I was actually...hoping you'd call me. I like fighting alongside you. The lot of you have more guts than the rest of that dinky camp,"he said, laughing heartily. Annabeth felt like they'd served their purpose and had enough gore to describe to their friends at the camp bonfire sing-along in vivid detail. Posiedon gripped their hands and flashed out with the five of them. Percy created a bubble around the demigods as they reappeared into the ocean. He and Posiedon shook hands, and the demigods filed into the chariot. Val was very intrigued at the gears and controls and immediately figured out how to work it. Annabeth scooped her up onto her lap, diminishing her chance to rocket them straight into the ocean floor. Posiedon smiled at them and said one more thing. "Like I said,"he confirmed, "I'm very impressed."

        Camp Half-Blood was anxiously awaiting their arrival, so when the five arrived back at the newly rebuilt camp they exploded on them. A feast was held, and so was a parade, a sing-along, and fireworks on the beach until midnight, when they all slept under the stars. All Annabeth knew that no matter what happened, she was never allowing some monster to steal her or her friends ever again.


Thank you, my beautiful lot of coconuts, for following me through that fan-fiction. It's been my favorite and most popular story so far. Thanks for the 31.1K readers until it finished. I know I procrastinate. It's my fatal flaw :) BUt now it's time for NaNoWriMo! Yayyyyyyy! ANYWHO, please please please make Bethany Rogers: Sister of the Super Soldier-A CA fan fiction the next big thing. I hope you guys have liked my fan fiction! I brag about how I have the best followers in the world! Luv-ya,

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