Capter 1: Help me!

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---A/N: OK fine, I caved. I know I promised myself that I would never ever write two stories at the same time but I've had this idea for a few months now and I know that if I wait till I finish my other story then I'll completely forget this idea and I will be sad for ages. So here it is, I hope you enjoy :).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you've read this chapter before, I've made a few changes so read it again :)---

Colin's POV:

Damn it! Can't I go to the shop without a swarm of girls chasing me all the time? I'm not being arrogant or anything but it's true. I went to the shop this morning and I swear all the girls are peeking out of their windows ready to follow my every move out my front door. That's the downside of being on the BBC. Oh, didn't I tell you? I play Merlin on BBC1. Yeah, that's me, Colin Morgan. The pay is good and I get to do something I love for a living which is also a plus, but I don't like a morning of running away from screaming fans before breakfast. I ran out of bread, milk and cereal, and now I'm running out of places I can go. Damn school holidays.

I turn a corner and bump into a girl. She looks young, maybe 18 or 19 with medium length, straight, brunette hair, a kind looking face and hazel eyes. I watch as her face changes from startled to recognition. 'Damn it!' I thought. Just then, we hear some of my fans shout:

"Do some magic Merlin!" I look to the girl with a 'help me' look on my face. At this moment in time I don't care if she recognises me or not, I just want to get away from the crazy girls and eat my breakfast. The girl takes my hand, leads me down a few streets and into a back garden. On a tree in the middle of the garden, is a tree house.

"A tree house?" I asked panicking that they would easily find us.

"Beggar's can't be choosers." She replies pushing me towards the ladder. We hurridly climb up. Closing the trapdoor, we both sit on it, back to back and panting hard from all the running, as if that would keep the fans from coming in.

"Thanks." I said to the girl.

"No problem," she replies, getting up to look through the square-shaped hole which was meant to be the window. "Friends of yours?" She asked, turning to me with an eyebrow raised in amusement. I get up to look through the window and saw a group of girls near the back gate trying to figure out where I went. I quickly duck underneath the windowsill hoping they didn't see me.

"HEY, he went that way!" the girl said pointing to the left.

"Don't worry Colin, they didn't see you." She said, after maybe two minutes, clearly amused by my predicament. I let out a sigh of relief, then did a double take. She said my name. She didn't call me 'Merlin' like so many other fans had, she called me 'Colin'. I look at her amazed as she sat down next to me.

"What?" She asked, confused at my goldfish impression.

"You called me 'Colin'." I said weakly.

"Would you prefer it if I called you 'Merlin'? Or how about Jethro? Or maybe I should call you Callum." She asked me.

"No, no, Colin suits me just fine," I reply in wonderment as she so easily listed characters I have played. I also couldn't help noticing the London accent in her voice. I bet my Irish accent sounds really weird to her.

"May I ask what your name is?"

"I'm Sharon. Well, is there anything I can get you, or would you like me to call someone for you, or..." She trails off, leaving the question open.

"I don't want to impose-"

"Nonsense, this is the most fun I've had a long time." Sharon said. I saw her eyes glaze over with a sadness that shouldn't worry me but somehow does, but she blinks and it disappears, replaced with a slightly forced smile. It's none of my business, it's probably really personal to her.

"OK," I said gently, "I haven't had breakfast yet, I ran out of milk and bread and stuff so I went out to get it but I didn't get a chance to go home yet, I didnt even make it to the shop." I said a bit sheepishly. To my surprise, Sharon starts laughing.

"Wait here." She said, still laughing, and climbs out the treehouse, laughing. She comes back a little while later and puts a tray on a pulley system which, when she pulled the rope, brought the tray up to a corner of the tree house that had a hole in the floor which I didn't notice before. This enabled her to bring the tray and herself up safely, without falling while trying to climb the ladder with full hands. I take the tray and sit down on a crate next to a few more crates set up like a table and chairs. Sharon's head appears through the trapdoor. She sits opposite me and said;

"Dig in." I guess that means that the food on the tray was for me. There was a cup of orange juice and a plate of buttered toast, along with a bowl of Cheerios and a jug of milk.

"I didn't know if you were a toast or cereal kind of guy so I went with both." Sharon said timidly.

"That's okay. I don't mind either one." I say, devouring the toast in one bite.

---A/N: okay so tell me what you think :) And also, if you haven't read my other book on Wattpad (it's unfinished just so you know) it's called The Sword and the Ring. Okay bye :)---

Oh. My. Effing. God! I just bumped into Colin Morgan! Literally!Where stories live. Discover now