chapter four

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I was finishing cleaning up and Harry asked me to sit down with him and have a drink. 

We sat, and talked and drank for about 2 hours and I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me as well. 

I checked my phone and it was a little bit passed 4am. 

"Oh wow, time flies. I should get going." 

"Oh yeah of course, let me walk you to your car." Harry said while grabbing my coat and I grabbed my bag. 

"Tonight was fun, we should do this again." I said to him once I got in my car and rolled down my window. 

He smiled at me and said his goodbyes and I started reversing out of my parking spot. 

He then ran up to my car and told me to roll down my window. 

"I forgot something." Harry said. 


Before I could even finish my sentence he grabbed my face slightly and kissed me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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