Miss Muffet's Response.

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A/N I received in this mornings post, a letter from Messrs' Curd, Whey& Speider, Solicitors and Commisioners for oaths, with regard to a recently published article about their client, one Stuffit Muffet.

I've just seen what that poet wrote

If you ask me, he's just a scrote!* (*Not an endearing term!)

It's not an educated write,

It's full of malice, full of spite!

He seems to think that it's a riot

To criticise my daily diet.

I've got more talent, and more class,

Than he's got in his sagging arse!

All he does is rant and shout,

And wave his skinny arms about.

Well, now I hope he's in no doubt,

I'll take a gagging order out!!

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Owain Glyn

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