Chapter 26

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"What?!" I screech. "Where is Justin?"

"Don't you know?"

I shake my head

"He's fighting tonight...with Reece."

This sends me into panic mode.

Of course! He didn't ask me to the dance because he's fighting! Why did I have to be so mindless? Why is he fighting Reece? Wait, how does Reece know about Justin? Didn't he say that Eren was the only one who knew, besides me and Peter? Oh god, he's going to destroy Reece.

"We have to go. Now." I tell him, dragging him by his arm in hopes of finding Peter and Emma. I ask around a couple of times for Peter, but they all say they haven't seen him. I ask them the same question, this time regarding Emma. They say they have seen her, and she was headed to the janitors closet on the other side of the gym with a guy.

Oh geeze Em, when I need you to be in a hurry you go suck face with another guy. I wonder where Peter snuck off to? Maybe they kidnapped him and forced him to join the Plebeian Exchange! Yes Abbi, because that sounds logical.

I manage to speed walk, maybe run a little bit, to the closet. When I get there, I fling the door open and turn on the lights.

"Hey Emma, we have to go this is an emer- OH MY GOSH!"

They shove away from each other, acting as if I didn't just catch them in the act of making out.

"THE SHIP! THE OTP! IT'S CANON NOW!" I scream at them.

"No it is not, you bobble-headed blonde."

"Y- yeah! Stop it Abbi! Nothing was going on!"

You could barely tell it in the dimly lit closet, but they were both blushing.

"Yeah, sure you can try to deny it all you want. But we don't have time for that! Peter, Justin is in trouble!"

"What? Are you positive?"

I nodd my head violently.

"We need to go! There still is probably time to stop him!"

Less than five minutes later, me Emma, Eren, and Peter were crammed inside her Volkswagen Beetle, making our way to the warehouse.

Peter was driving while Eren took shotgun. Me and Emma were stuffed in the backseat.

"Would someone explain what's going on?!"

I try by best to calm her down. "Well, you see, uh, Justin isn't just some nerd. He's actually a professional fighter and right now he's fighting Reece for some reason."

"WHAT?!" She starts to slap my arms, us having a miniature cat fight in the backseat. "What else have you kept from me, Abigale Correra Howard?!"

"Ow! Hey! I'm sorry! I was sworn to secrecy!" I counter, trying to dodge her slaps.

"Who made you swear?!"

"Ow! Stop it! It was your boyfriend up there driving!"

She stops hitting me. "....He's not my boyfriend." She says calmly, almost in a whisper. "Hey! Quit trying to change the subject! Where the heck are we even headed?!"

"More like, 'Where are we at?'." Peter says in the front seat.

I bolt my head forward. Sure enough, we had arrived.

As I start fumbling with the door handle, Peter calls my name.

"Abbi, go stop that idiot."

"I plan on it!" I say as the door comes open, me nearly falling but regaining my balance. Once I'm sure that my feet are steady, I run, no I sprint, to the doors.

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