Chapter 6

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"I'll do it."

My parents faces were composed of shock, and I don't blame them. I can't believe I agreed to do this.

"You will?" My mom asks me.

I put on my best smile. "Sure! I mean, it will be fun getting a makeover!"

"Yeah! And we can go tomorrow! All we need is permission and a little moolah!" Emma chirps in beside me.

Tomorrow? Gosh, weekend transformation, huh?

"Of course! We have been waiting to give this to you, Abbi. But, seeing as if you will need it tomorrow, you can have it now." My mom walks into the kitchen and brings back a small box with a bow on it.

"Here. You deserve it." She hands it out to me.

I grab it and shake the box. Nothing.

"Hurry up dear, we have dinner reservations!" My dad yells.

"Okay, okay!" I rip open the top of the box. In it lies a thin peice of plastic.

A credit card.

"What! No way! You've got to be kidding! How much is on it?" I ask.

"Two million." They both reply.

"T-two million?!"

"Yes. Is it not enough?" They ask.

"No! God! That's plenty! Thank you! I love you!" I run into my parent's open arms, hugging each of them tightly.

I let go of them and my dad checks his watch. His new Rolex watch, might I add. "Its nearly eight. We have reservations for eight-thrity. We had better be leaving."

"Oh yes you're right! We don't want to be late for Rendezvous!" My mom exclaims.

"Rendezvous? That place is super fancy!"

"I know. Its also super expensive." My dad pipes up.

"Well dear, we hate to rush off, but we simply must be going." My mom kisses me on the forehead and we walk to the door.

She turns to look me in the eyes. "Now, no parties, burning the house down, drugs, etcetera. You got it, young lady?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, mom. I understand."

"Good. Come on Richard! Love you, sweet!"

"By mom!" She runs out the door to the car, I assume. My dad is halfway out the door when he stops and turns around.

"And no boys, either!"

"I know, I know! Now get going! You don't want to be late!"

"There is some leftover pizza in the fridge and some candy in the cabinets. Oh, and try to be in bed by midnight."

I nodd. "Okay, we will. Bye, love you!"

After receiving some more 'Love you's', the car speeds off down the road, on its way to town. I close and lock the door. I hear a throat clear from behind me, and I turn around to see Emma with her arms crossed and her foot tapping.

"What?" I ask.

"That's all it took? I just tell you you can get Reece?" She states.

"Um. Yeah, I guess." I feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of him.

"Gosh, you must really like him then. We had better work extra hard to get him to like you back!"

I feel the blush deepen further."Shut up! He's never going to like me..." I trail off.

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