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I woke abruptly at the sound of Church bells. I moaned, and covered my head with a pillow. Wait, I thought I went to bed at the Opera House?

I shrugged it off, I probably walked back, and I just forgot. Then, I remembered the previous night's events. I touched my left hand, and felt the cold ring on my finger. I smiled, now I didn't have to get rid of suitors, the ring did it for me!

Tonight was the Masquerade Ball. I grinned, I was going to have so much fun! Meg and I were going to raid the costume closet for clothes, and Meg had promised to teach me more ballet.

I slipped off the ring, and strung it on to a chain around my neck. No need to get asked more questions. I walked to the Populaire, and found Meg.


Meg pulled me to wardrobe, and shoved at least a dozen dresses on to my arm. "I found some that I thought you'd like! Try them on!"

I obeyed, and put on the first one. It was a fluffy pink dress, with pink sleeves, and a pink flowers. I hated pink. "I think I will pass on this on, Meg." She sighed, and pointed to the next one. I stepped into it, and looked in the mirror. It was a purple dress with lovely details, and a silver mask. It was perfect.

"I love it!"

Meg grinned, and took me to the vanity.


*guys, I'm getting extreme Crazy ex girlfriend vibes, so let's all acknowledge "The Sexy Getting Ready song"


I looked at myself in the mirror. The costume of Red Death was completely accurate, down to every single detail. I grabbed Don Juan, and looked around my home. Everything was perfect for my angel. I walked through the tunnels, and approached the Masquerade.

I strode in, and heard multiple gasps. One in particular caught my attention. Christine was standing at the foot of the steps, with fear etched across her face. She looked absolutely stunning in her purple gown. I walked towards her slowly, and she did the same. Her hands were curled around her pendant, which seemed to be the engagement ring I had given her. The fop was standing behind her with a petrified look on his face. I smirked and turned around to Reyer.

"Why so silent, great Monsieur?"

"Did you think that I had left you for good?Have you missed me, good Messieurs?I have written you an opera!"

I tossed my opera at Reyer and the fop.

"Here, I bring the finished score. Don Juan Triumphant!"

I then approached Carlotta, who had officially been demoted to a chorus member

"Fondest greetings to you all. A few instructions just before rehearsal starts. Carlotta must be taught to act;Not her normal trick of strutting round the stage!"

She gawked at me, and I held back a snicker. I turned to Piangi, who wore a simialar expression.

"Our Don Juan must lose some weight;it's not healthy in a man of Piangi's age. And my manager must learn that her place is in arts, not the office! As for her, our star, Miss Christine Daae..."

I walked back to her, and she had an entranced look on her face. It took every bit of will power in me not to run and embrace her.

"No doubt she'll do her best, it's true, her voice is good,she knows, though should she wish to excel, she has much still to learn. If pride will let her return to me, her teacher.Her teacher! "

Her face turned to surprise, as gasps filled the air. I ran, and picked her up like a bride, and pulled her down the hole into my tunnels. She didn't try to fight, instead she stared at me with extreme shock. She began trembling, and I strokes her face lovingly.

"We're almost there, mon amour."

She gave me one last terrified look, before fainting. I sighed, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Oh, Christine." I carried her to the bed, and set her down. Her hair fell around her head like a halo, and the peaceful expression she wore made her look completely angelic. I placed one last kiss on her forehead, before I went to my room. I needed to rest for her lesson tommorow.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'm taking all recommendations, so comment away! Thanks for enduring my writing! I apologize for the short chapter, I'll make sure the next one is super long. Have a lovely night!
Your Obedient Servent,

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