Before the Performance

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I paced nervously inside of the Prima Donna room. I had just finished checking everywhere to make sure that the show was running smoothly. I felt like a total fool for starring in a show that I cast. Madame Giry and Meg had told me that I was good, but I wasn't so sure. Your only doing this because it's the only option. That's true, nobody else knew Elissas part, and nobody wanted to take Carlottas place. Thus, it wasn't my fault that I had to do this.

Suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name.


Fear coursed through my veins,

"Who's there?"

Nothing replied, but something felt off. I left the room, and walked down to the Chapel, hoping that my father would have some advice.

The little Chapel was empty except for my father's picture and candles. I lit a candle, and sat there.

"Father, if you're there, I want you to know that I miss you so much. I bought the Opera House like you wanted, and now I'm singing the role of Elissa."

A few tears slipped from my eyes, but I continued,

"I'm making sure that everything you wanted is happening, and I am so happy. But I miss you more than words will ever be able to say. I do hope that you send me my Angel of Music. But if you can't, that's alright. I love you anyways."

I cried for a few minutes, and got up. Just as I was about to leave, a voice called to me,

"Come back, child, I am your Angel of Music."

I spun around, nearly falling.

"What?! Angel?!"

I heard a the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard,

"That is what I said, is it not?"

I looked around,

"Where are you?"

"Everywhere. "

I thought about this,


"I am an angel."

"Oh god, I'm going insane!"

I heard him sigh,

"You're not going insane, child. I am real, and I will teach you."

I gazed around the room, wishing that I could see him.

"Why can't I see you?"

"Stop asking me questions. I will teach you tonight after your performance. "

My heart let at the thought of being taught by my Angel. I nodded, and races back up the steps.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

I watched as she ran up the steps. I felt a little guilty for tricking her, but I had to know her!

I thought about what she had said about her father, and how he had promised her an angel of music.

Well you're far from an angel.

That was true, my deformity was so hideous that no person could ever mistake me for an angel if they saw me. But I'd they could only hear me, then that was a whole new story.

I remembered that I had once been know to have the voice of a siren.

But you were also known to have the face of the devil

I shuddered as I remembered that Circus. That was one thing that I wished I could forget.

I went to box five, and waited for the curtains to rise.

Finally, the curtains rose, revealing Christine. She was smiling widely, and in her arms she held a beautiful scarf.
And then she began to sing.

Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye.

Oh my, she was so good. This was going to be rather hard to teach.

Remember me once in a while - please promise me you'll try.

When you find that, once again, you long to take your heart back

and be free - if you ever find a moment spare a thought for me ...

We never said our love was evergreen,

or as unchanging as the sea - but if you can still remember,

stop and think of me ...

Think of all the things we've shared and seen -

don't think about the things which might have been ...

Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned.

Imagine me, trying too hard to put you from my mind.

Recall those days, look back on all those times,

think of the things we'll never do - there will never be a day, when

I won't think of you ...

As the orchestra came in, I pondered my thoughts. Her voice was so beautiful, I would be able to sculpt it into a masterpiece if I taught her right, and gave her the right exercises. I was going to have to make her a schedule. I snapped out of my thoughts the minute she resumed the aria.

We never said our love was evergreen,

or as unchanging as the sea - but please promise me,

that sometimes, you will think of me!

I smiled widely,
Well, Miss Daae, I will most definitely think of you.

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