Chapter 2:'being the kind hearted person i am"

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An 'oomph' sound escaped my lips as I felt someone jump on my stomach.
STOP! Who dares to mess up my beauty sleep an-
"It's moving day wake up Tori, wake up!!" Ashley practicality screamed while jumping in my stomach. This hurt like shit. "I don't care, Ash stop!" I screamed back. Grabbing both of her legs so she was laying down next to me, ok now here's the fun part.

"Let's go over it again" I said while holding my hand up "ugh do we have to?" Ashley wined. "Yes. Now repeat after me" I said still holding my hand up while grabbing her and putting it up. "I shall never wake Tori up when she is asleep nor annoy her any other times. I shall not enter Tori's room again without permission." I smiled at my little speech there while she repeated it. "Good talk!" I said while giving her a high five. "Now get out." I said getting out of bed and going towards the bathroom. I heard the door shut so she obviously left.

Pic of Ashley:

*                                           *                                                                                      *                                                                                                                   ...

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Arriving in California🎉
I gotta say the food for the first class never fails to amaze me. Although the tamotao juice tasted amazing when I was in the plane but it's disgusting when I'm on ground? I had to search up why it tastes better.
'Sweets are less sweet, salty food is less salty, and it's harder to taste certain herbs and spices (curry retains its flavor at altitude, but that's another story). As a result, most airplane food tastes bland, but tomato juice actually tastes better up in the air.'
Well that made no sense...
After finally getting of the plain. We got our bags and headed of to our new house..more like a fucking mansion which I gotta say I hated. Because
1.i would get lost might be haunted
3. I might get lost
4.i might get lost!
I hate big places I always end up getting scared to death by my own shadow or maybe something else, or I end up getting lost or stuck somewhere. I also hate small spaces because I'm claustrophobic. I'm complicated like that.

We get of our big ass limo. My mom thinks we should have it for Ashley and I because she doesn't want me driving places she doesn't approve of? what.the.actual.fudgemuggets...?
Actually I don't blame her. But I don't really care that much I mean yah I went to parties but I can easily still do tha-
"Is that a fucking guard dog?!" I half scream as my father pets the huge, black, and very tall German Shepard. "Dad,stop petting him he's probably gonna bite your hand of!" I exclaimed surprised at my fathers actions. "Relax Victoria, he's used to us. He's been trained." He chuckled "he never saw us before he can't be 'used to us'. I pointed out. "Pictures. He got used to us, looking at our pictures." He said sighing after wards and going into the house like everyone else did. Two super hot dudes were carrying our luggage so I decided to help them out, being the kind hearted person I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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