Chapter 1

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(The picture above is a picture of  Victoria:)
Heyy! I hope y'all enjoy my new story! I didn't edit this so you'll just have to deal with it for a while. Xoxo Miley😝....
Tori's pov:
Oh. So, I have to talk to you guys now?...yay! *note the sarcasm*
Haha I'm playing with you girl (maybe boy) pchill..I'm not that mean.
-Anyways my name is Victoria but I go by Tori sometimes...I could honestly careless, call me whatever.
-I'm 17 years old...I feel so old holy shit. I remember turning 13 and I was trying to act sassy because I thought that was what your supposed to do when your a teen.
Don't you dare judge me... Yeet bish I could careless.
-I have blue eyes,brown long hair,small freckles on my nose and cheeks, and I'm 5'8"
-I am currently moving from Minnesota to California because I'm done with all of Minnesota's mood swings. Jk that's not why I'm moving. If I could've moved I would have been long gone.

-my family is moving to California because my parents are fucking workaholics. Yup. I'm stuck with those kinds of parents but  I'm sure there are worse parents out there.
-I have a little sister names Ashley. I call her Ash though because I'm just that sick...yeet. She's ten years old. And like me she is a Brunette and has blue eyes, like me. We pretty much look exactly alike expect she has no freckles.
-since we barely see our parents we have a nanny. She's like the mother I never had...well more like grandmother now but it's cool. She gets both of us. When she's Ash she literally turns into a 10 year old and runs around. When she's around me she a tad more mature but I honestly like her either way.

-I don't even know how but my parents are fucking okie. But hey I'm not complaining.
-Aight I'm already bored with myself so one more fact and I'll try and make it deep shit or like a good fact or something.k? K. Good!
-I am a sarcastic little bitch.
I'm not done.
I am really smart with school crap but i never actually try. I actually don't hate science,English and social studies...I hate everything else tho. I have a really bad attitude and a short temper. Well according to my parents,principals,teachers,neighbor, and some fake bitches at school. But once again I could careless. Why? I won't have to see any of them ever again. I'll be gone in a week so they can all suck it.

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