Home sweat home

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*Lucy's pov*
Because of what happened at the gmg's the other day, they were cancelled, but that doesn't matter.
It was like olden days at the guild again. Cana was chugging barrels of booze, Master was looking at Mira like a pervert, and Erza was enjoying her strawberry cake. Then it occurred to me that something was off...Natsu and Gray wernt fighting. In fact they were acting as if they were the best of friends. 'somethings wrong here...' I thought. I was interupted from my thoughts by none other than Gray himself.
"Haha! Yeah, see ya later Flamebrain! ^·^" he said happily.
"Yeah, later ice princess! >·<" replied Natsu as Gray made his way over to me with a grin plastered on his face.
"Hey luce! Ya know, Natsu is a real riot!" he said laughing.
"Ahe, ahe. Yeahhhhh....." I said nervously. " ehhm, um I just wanna know, um, what's going on?!"
He obiously looked taken aback by my suddle question.
"What do you mean? We're just two friends hanging........out....." he said, finally hooking on to what I ment. "Oh my Mavis! That Flame brain is a real hot head! What was he thinking! What was I thinking!? Natsu!"
Just then Natsu ran in. He figured out what happened too.
"Gray! You stupid popsicle! Fire dragons: iron fist!" he screeched.
'sigh' I thought.
"Ice make: floor!" shouted Gray.
Now it was exactly like old times. It was complete, I was complete. Out of the corner of my eye, I spoted an angry Erza. I immediately ran towards the other end of the guild. Gray and Natsu watched me as I did, studying me as if I were a rare bird they've never seen before.
"Oi, where ya goin-" started Natsu.
Erza grabbed the two by the coller, bringing them high enough so they were both at eye level with her.
"Now," She said "if I hear even one insult about the other come out of either of your mouths, I will crush you. Understand?"
"Y-yes ma'am!" they said in unison.
I chuckle a little because of how funny the scene before me was. Sadly that earned me a trip to pain town on the pain train. All aboard!

*tiny timeskip*

As soon as Erza let me go, I ran home. Yeah, that's right! I got my apartment back too!
Out of breath, and about to pass out, I unlocked my door and slowly made my way towards the bed. Lying down, I drifted off into a deep sleep, not knowing what I would see when I woke up.

*mini timeskip*

With a jolt of adrenaline, I woke up, quickly lifting up my head. I felt cold. In fact I was shivering by now. I thought it must be the thermostat, so I got up to turn on the heat, but it was at 75. 'the heck?!' I thought, 'it must just be my room then...'
I walked back in to see why it was so cold. Of course it was Gray.
"Gray! What are you doing here!?" I screamed. He quickly woke up and jump out of the bed.
"Oh, hey luce!" he said, smiling.
I just gave him a sigh and walked into the living room to warm up. He followed me, staying close behind, too close.
"What they heck Gray?!" I said turning around.
"Hehe, sorry luce!" he apologized.
"*sigh* okay, well just get out so that I can change, then I guess we can walk to the guild," I said.
Before I could push him out the door, he grabbed my arm and gave me a blank look.
"What," I asked.
Gray said, "Lucy...I...I...I want you to know that you are a very special person in my life and that-"
By now he saw that I was blushing.
"Nevermind that," he said ,"let's just head to the guil-"
"No" I said, grabbing his hand. I understood what he was going to tell me. I understood it all.
"W-what!?" he said.
"I. Said. No. Lets stay here for a while and relax," I said, still blushing.
"O-ok" he said stutering.
So, we sat down, and stayed like that. Me in his arms. I don't remember how long we were like that but it was nice. We were together, and that's all I needed, to be with him.

"And that's how your father and I came to be," I said to my 5 year old daughter, yuki.
"Aww! I wanna love someone like that!!" she replied.
"Well," began gray, "I'm sure someday you will. But I have to meet 'em first!" he exclaimed, picking up yuki.
"Dad!" she whined.
I laughed, watching the two run around the house like maniacs when suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" yelled Yuki.
To her surprise, it was Natsu.
"Uncle Natsu!" she yelled.
Natsu stepped in smiling at the girl.
"Hey yuki! Are ya ready to go to the guild?" He asked.
"Yeah!" she said excitedly. As we all started walking towards the guild, I looked at the family I had surrounding me. Yuki, Natsu, and Gray. They were my family. They were everything I ever needed.

I apologize for the horrible ending, but yeah! That was the last chapter! Hope you liked it!

Bye for now!

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