I Want You By My Side

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When two months went by and Charles still hadn't called, Erik started to suspect that he wasn't going to call him after all. Could he have forgotten? Should Erik call him then? What if Charles just didn't want to see Erik again? But why wouldn't he want it? They were perfect together! Erik caught himself thinking about Charles and his absence more often than he'd like to admit. The uncertainty of it was killing him. He realized that meeting Charles was something he actually was looking forward to all these years. Somehow Charles had become a constant in Erik's life, there for him in one form or another. And the foundation of all this was the knowledge that Charles would be just as happy to see him as he was to see Charles.

But now that Charles wasn't calling Erik wasn't sure he had the right to think of him in that way anymore. So finally he decided to e-mail Charles. It seemed less pushy and it would give him some answers.

Hey, Charles,

How did your trip go? Knowing you, it was probably a success. Are we still on for meeting up? I'd love to see you again.

Let me know.


When he got back from work that evening Erik saw that Charles had already replied that same afternoon.

Hello Erik,

I had a few setbacks but nothing I couldn't handle. ;)

About meeting up... I wasn't sure my call would be welcomed so I... I guess I behaved stupidly. I'm sorry, Erik. Of course, I want to see you again. If you really want that too, let me know. Please. I don't want to make you feel like you have to do something you're not ready for or comfortable with.

I hope everything is good in your life. I guess we have a lot of catching up to do ;) See you soon hopefully!


Erik read the e-mail twice, blinking at it confused. Why would Charles even assume Erik wouldn't want him to call? It made no sense at all. Eventually he had to laugh at Charles' adorable weirdness.

"I'll make sure you know now." he chuckled to himself, getting his phone and dialing Charles' number, a strange new flutter in his stomach and a smile on his face.

The phone rang. Once, twice. After the third time Charles picked up, only it wasn't really Charles.

"Hello? This is Charles Xavier's phone." a pleasant male voice said politely

Erik frowned annoyed. "Who are you? I want to speak to Charles."

"It's Steve Rogers here. Charles can't really talk right now. He's in the shower. Maybe I could give a message and he can call you back?"

Erik was silent for a moment. Steve Rogers? Charles in the shower? Another X-men no doubt. Erik rolled his eyes and huffed. "No messages. I'll call later."

"Alright." Steve Rogers said. "Have a nice day."

"Stupid polite idiot!" Erik gritted his teeth as he threw the phone to the other side of the couch. He ran his hands through his face tiredly and groaned. Something was bothering him, not giving him rest. He stretched. Then shifted. Then groaned again and finally he picked up his laptop and typed Steve Rogers in the search bar.

Thousand results popped up instantly. Including pictures. Steve Rogers was a handsome guy, Erik had to admit that even if he kinda didn't want to. Steve Rogers was also quite impressive in aspects other than his physique, too. Damn him! He sounded sort of nice on the phone too... Like the kind of guy Charles would like to hang out with... maybe even the kind of guy Charles would like to start a relationship with... Damn him a second time! Erik scrolled down the results once again, making a sound that suspiciously resembled a sigh. Nope. Steve Rogers was definitely not just another X-men. Steve Rogers had a potential to be the next Alex Summers. So that's why Charles hadn't called Erik before. Duh! It was pretty logical. How could Erik not figure it out earlier? Like before he made a fool of himself by sending that stupid e-mail! Sounding like a beggar, while Charles was rolling in bed with Steve Fucking Rogers!

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