Almost There

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Erik knew Charles would be at the charity event this year. He had been for the last 10 years, there would be no difference tonight. Charles was a creature of habit and Erik was pretty well-acquainted with Charles' habits by now. If there was one constant in Erik's life, it was that on 22 December he would see Charles Xavier on the top floor of the Stark Hotel, the two would talk, smile, laugh, kiss and then each will be back to their own life again until next year. This was unchanging. So how, the hell, did Erik end up drunk, depressed and miserable, walking down the street on shaky legs, stumbling and unsure where he was going or why?

It all started 10 years ago, on the top floor of the Stark Hotel, at prom. Erik was grinning happily because school was finally over! If there was a good reason to celebrate anything, the end of school was definitely it! No more nonsense, no more idiots, no more pointless stupid homework, no more boredom and suffering! Erik was glad to turn his back to this part of his life and he was really happy to enter the exciting wonderful new part of his life that was about to start right after he gets out of here.

Of course, there were other reasons for him to be excited about prom. Reasons like... Emma Frost...

Emma was his girlfriend. She was the most popular girl in school, so classy, so gorgeous, so clever! She was basically the dream and he was dating that dream! Yeah, he was a loner according to the students and kind of a hooligan according to the teachers but he was the guy who won Emma's affections so screw everyone else!

Emma and Erik hit it off right away. The two felt an instant connection, so to speak; a connection that was beyond the usual. They weren't just going out together, they were best friends, actually understanding one another and having a good time. So it was no surprise to anyone that they came to prom together. She was dressed in a gorgeous white dress that made her look like some kind of sparkly diamond vision, and he was dressed in the most ridiculous magenta suit anyone could ever see or imagine! Erik wanted to make a statement even at the last day. The statement was 'Screw you! I'm not one of you! I'm me! Fight me if you have a problem with it!'

It wasn't surprising that Lehnsherr came dressed like this just to be an asshole, it was surprising that Emma let him accompany her despite that. It was weird and no one understood why Emma did that but soon the party started, the music was playing and eventually no one cared.

"Have you seen Erik?" Emma was trying to walk past the crowd of dancing newly graduates, asking each and every one of them the same question "Have you seen Erik?"

She had went to the ladies' room and when she returned he was gone.

"I think I saw him going out on the terrace." a told her. His voice was so small, it was ridiculous but it suit him well because he was also ridiculous. One of the little nerds, Emma thought.

"Oh, yeah?" she didn't wait for him to reply, she was already rushing towards the double door that led to the spacious terrace.

Erik was indeed outside, smoking and enjoying the view to the city. The lights glowing like stars in the distance, each brighter than the other but none of them the sun. The tall building gave the impression one were on top of the world. And Erik was her world. But now he seemed miles away and Emma had to roll her eyes.

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