The First Day

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We skipped over to their door. We started banging on their door over and over again, repeatedly. Finally the door opened. Actually, it had only been like, ten seconds but whatever.

'Brynn' opened the door, looking annoyed. Jenna stood right behind her too, rolling her eyes as she saw her identical twin and a girl who looked like her roommate. She looked exactly like Julissa, except her hair was blonde with pink streaks... are they our twins? Seriously. Weird...

"Hey Bree!" Brynn chirped. She looked at Julissa. "You must be Julissa."

"Please, call me Jules. Nice to meet you!"

"You too! Oh, Bree, this is Jenna."

I smiled at Jenna, who smiled back. She seemed a lot like her sister. I could tell our group was gonna be fun.

Then Jules got a look on her face like she just remembered something. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot why we came over here" oh yeah.... "We were wondering if you wanted to grab lunch at the cafe next door."


We all grabbed our purses and ran down the stairs, laughing and shoving each other.

When we got inside, I took a look around. It was a nice little cafe. It was one of those cliche cafés that are in the movies. It had coffee, cupcakes, cheesecakes, and all of that stuff.

We ordered our food and drinks, and found a seat. Brynn and I positioned ourselves to where I was watching the door, and Brynn was watching the back where the kitchen and bathrooms are. I'm not sure what we were looking for, or what we were protecting the girls from, but I knew that I would know when I saw it.

After laughing and goofing off like any teenage girls would, our food finally came. I took a bite and my eyes widened. Not because I tasted poison. Or because someone suspicious. No, it want anything I would usually widen my eyes at. Nope. This cafe makes some seriously good food. It was amazing. Like, I have a feeling this place will be my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If only... Too bad I'm supposed to eat healthy... Stupid spy diets. I'm gonna report this to Josh.

"I know right?!" Whoa. I almost forgot that other people were there. It was just me and my food for a moment... "They have the best food around."

"I can tell. It's more like the best in the world."

Jenna laughed. We started talking about random things. Like really random things. Like, I think being a normal girl is driving me mental.

"Can I just say, I absolutely love your accents." Jules said. Jenna nodded. I almost forgot we were using Southern accents. It was just coming so naturally.

"Thanks!" Brynn and I chirped together. We were getting good at this twin thing.

After hanging out some more, we went upstairs again. We went our separate ways. Jules and I put my stuff where it belonged. Our colors actually went really well together. Our room looked pretty awesome if you ask me. But you didn't... Oh well. I told you any way.

Id say today was a pretty good first day.


A/N: I know this was short and boring. Sorry. I would have made it longer but I wanted to say something.

This chappie is dedicated to @crazy_girl0127 for making me the AMAZING cover! Thanks!!

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