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The stylists started with our hair. I have brown hair and Annalee has blonde hair. After studying us for a few minutes, they decided that neither of us would look good if we changed our hair color to the other's. So in the end, they died Annalee's roots so that it looked like she died her hair blonde. Because we were changing our looks, we got to do whatever we wanted to our hair. I chose to leave my hair long, but I convinced them to dye my tips purple. Annalee got hers cut shoulder length and died the tips pink, like one of her favorite singers, Perrie Edwards, had hers for a while.

We both got special contacts. We both already had green eyes, but we got green contact anyways. Mostly because they were spy contacts. They had different modes for different purposes.

This one makeup artist taught us a way to do our makeup that made us look almost identical.

And , we got to go shopping. We got really cute outfits that matched.

Finally, we were ready. We were leaving in out private jet in 2 days. What? The airport wouldn't let us bring weapons, so we had to.

We spent those days learning everything we could about our legends and our subjects. Which was easy because that is what we are trained to do.

After I had everything memorized it was time to go. I put my knife in my boots. My gun was concealed in my back pocket. I had a comms unit in my ear and a camera in my watch. My suitcase was in my hands and I was ready to go.

I walked outside to see Josh was already waiting for me to take me to the jet. My internal clock said he was two minutes early. Yes, I said internal clock. We are trained to always know what time it is. So, I always know. Except after I've been knocked out. Then I have to "reboot it" you could say. But enough about that. Back to the story.

I hopped into the car and noticed that Annalee was already in the back. She looked terrified by something I was about to ask why, but before I could say anything, Josh shot forward, going way faster than he should have been. Usually I'm not very scared for my life on dangerous missions, but I was scared for my life just then because if we crashed, there was nothing I could do to save myself.

We got to the jet in three minutes flat. We were seven minutes early.

"You could have gone a little slower!" I yelled. My heart was still pounding and I could tell I was very pale. I turned around and saw that Annalee looked the same as I felt.

"Nah. That was too much fun. Plus, I'm in the mood to be fashionably early." He said with a smirk.

"That wasn't fashionable at all! That was just early!" Annalee interrupted. Josh just smiled but didn't say anything.

I rolled my eyes at him and climbed out of the car. I grabbed my suitcase and set it by the jet. After we both hugged Josh bye, we climbed into the jet. Before long, we were taking off.


When we finally got to the school, we found out our rooms and roommates. We also got our schedules and sign up sheets for sports. I would be trying out for volleyball and Annalee would try out for cheerleading.

I saw that I was roommates with Julissa, and Annalee, I mean Brynn, was roommates with Jenna.

Also, our rooms were right across from each other. We stood in front of our doors. On the count of three we opened our doors.

"HELLOOOOOO!!!!" I saw Julissa sitting on her bed, looking like she was waiting for me. She had medium length brown hair thrown into a ponytail. It also had purple streak. I like this girl's taste. She had big brown eyes. You could tell that she was extremely athletic. I bet she was really good at good at volleyball. Good thing I used to play, or else she would probably think I was a joke.

She got up and walked toward me. She looped her arm through mine. "I've been waiting for you! When I heard my roommate was a volleyball player, I was do pumped to meet you! Wait, you are Bree right?"

I laughed. I like her already. "Yes. I am Bree."

"Yay! Let's go grab my twin and go have lunch. I'm hungry. She's in the room across from us."

"Really? So is my twin! How coincidental is that?!" Of course, it wasn't a coincidence at all.

"Wow! That's crazy! Well, we can take her too!" This girl is really excited. Or maybe she had too much coffee this morning...

"Sounds fun!" I then realized that all my stuff was next to me. "Can I unpack first?"

"Let's just put it by your bed, and unpack it when we get back. I'll help you."

"Okay. Thanks!"

"No problem. Now come on!" She ran out of the room with a superman pose. I laughed and ran after her.


A/N: ugh. This is late and short. Sorry guys. I'll try to have faster updates, but I've been so busy lately. Bear with me.

Thank you for reading my story though! I really appreciate it! If you are a Percy Jackson fan, you should check out my other stories. :)


Luff you!!!!!! :*



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