Harry Potter- One Honest Heart

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I'm in the Three Broomsticks with the Weasley's, Harry, Mione, and Luna. I'm working as a waiter. Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Severus Snape walks in and sits in my section.
Carly, one of my friends and my boss' daughter, walks up to me. "Do you want me to get that?"
"No. I got it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm not scared of them." I walk over to my friends with their food.
"Looks good Kitty." Luna
"I hope it tastes good as it looks."
They smile.
"Anything else you need?"
"You to be at the shop when you're done with work." Fred
"Can't wait." I walk away and walk towards the most popular wizards.
"Hi, what can I get you tonight?"
"I didn't know you worked here Millers." Zabini
"I'm just here to fill an empty slot." I give him a small smile.
"I would like a Butter Beer."
I nod and write that down in my notebook.
"Make that four." Mr. Malfoy
"Sure. I'll be right back." I walk away and over to the bar. I fill up four glasses.
"Let me know if they're rude to you. I'll throw them out. I don't care what Ma says." Carly says next to me as she grabs a wash cloth.
"You mean you can't do it for fun?"
She smiles at me and I smile back. I walk back to the table but see a little girl run past me and I move the tray of drinks away from head.
"Sissy?" She looks at me and hugs me.
"Hi Anne. Don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack!" I hug her back with my empty arm.
She giggles. "You work here?" She pulls out of the hug.
"Yep. You go back to Mom ok?"
"Ok. You be our waitress?"
"Do you want me to?"
She nods.
"Ok then." She runs off to Mom with a smile on her face.
I continue to walk to the table. I set the drinks down. "Do you know what you want to eat or are you still looking?"
"Blaise and I would like the special." Malfoy
I nod and write it down. I look at Snape and Mr. Malfoy.
"I'll have the steak." Mr. Malfoy
I write it down and look at Snape.
"I'll have the roast."
I write it down.
"Are you related to that little girl?" Malfoy
"Yep. She's my step sister. I'll be back with your food." I walk away and go to the bar. I pull off the slip of notebook paper and slip it to the cook. He nods at me and gets started on making the orders. I grab a chocolate milk and a butter beer and walk over to where my sister is sitting which just happens to be right across from where the Slytherins are sitting. I put them on the table.
"Hi dear."
"Hi Mom."
"Sissy look what I made!" She holds up a necklace.
"Pretty. Who's that for?"
"You!" She hands it to me and I put it on.
"How do I look?"
"What do you want to eat Anne?"
"Chicken and Apple sauce."
I write it down and look at Mom. "Mom?"
"I'll have the salad dear."
"Italian dressing?"
"No Caesar."
I nod and write it down.
"Those boys bothering you again?"
"Not since Mione punched one in the face."
"I knew there was a reason why I liked her." She smiles and so do I.
"Too bad I didn't tape it. I'm sure Dad would've got a kick out of it."
"I bet he would."
"I'll be back with the food soon. Oh I got something for you." I pat Anne on the head.
"It better not be one of the Twins contraptions."
I laugh. "I can go get one."
"No! We don't need any more in the house!"
I smile and walk away. I walk to the bar, hand the cook the paper I just wrote on and grab the food for the Slytherins.
"Anything else you need?"
"No. Thank you." Zabini
"Yell if you need me." I walk away and go check on my other customers when Cedric and Cho walk in my section. I walk over to them.
"Hey Kitty." Cho
"Hey Kit." Cedric
I look at their outfits. "On a date?"
Cho blushes and Cedric nods.
"Well I'm happy to be your server and you guys look cute!"
Cho blushes more.
"So butter beer?"
"Please." Cedric
"Coming up! I'll try not to interrupt too much."
They nod and I walk back to the bar to get the two butter beers. I put them on the table.
"Do you know what you want to eat yet? Or should I scram?"
"Two steaks please." Cho
"Sure. I'll be out of your hair unless you want me in it?"
Cedric kind of glares at me.
"I'm joking. Gosh!" I leave with a smile on my face. I walk to the bar and hand the cook the order and get my family's orders. I walk over to them.
"Thanks Sissy!"
"Sure thing Anne." I leave and walk over to my friends.
"Guys Cho and Cedric are on a date. They look so cute!"
"You're such a girl." Ron
"I hope so Ronald."
"Kitty!" Carly
"What did you do?" George
I shrug and walk over to her. "Yeah?"
"Don't forget you're performing tonight."
"I know."
"Get back to work!"
"Well then!" I walk away and turn around to stick my tounge out at her to see her doing it too. I walk over to the Slytherins.
"How's the food?"
"Good. Did you make it?" Zabini flirts.
I smirk and squat so that I'm shorter than him. "You would know if I made it Zabini. For it would taste and look fine but after the first bite....let's just say you'll be acting....very differently."
He smirks. "Different how?"
"Guess you won't find out."
"That's a shame."
I look at Snape and then Mr. Malfoy. "But I don't wanna ruin your vibe though. That would be awful." I stand up and smirk at him.
"You sure are different than I thought you'd be." Mr. Malfoy
"You know Mr. Malfoy we all act differently around everyone. Some even wear masks. It takes a cleaver and smart person to find out who's wearing one or not."
He looks at my face as if studding me.
"You won't be able to tell if I'm wearing one or not for I had lots of practice. But you can try." I smile and walk away.

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