Bones Takes Some Time to Reflect...with the Help of a Friend

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"Keptin, zis is not a wery wise decision..." Chekov's curls had grown out a little since the start of their new mission and now bounced as he scurried to catch up to his Captain. He looked like a little fluffy golden puppy that would put a ball at your feet and give you big eyes and whimper before running after it excitedly. Jim smiled at the thought.
"Come on, Chekov! It's not like I'm asking you to infiltrate a Klingon prison—"
"Might as well be..." Chekov muttered under his breath. Jim shot him a glare, but continued.
"Besides, you're only the lookout. I'm doing all the dirty work. And...we wouldn't want a particular video I have to get around to the rest of the crew." He stopped to look at Chekov. The young ensign, however did not catch the memo as quickly, tripped over his feet and slammed into Jim, who reached out to steady him.
'Sorry, Keptin."
"It's fine, Chekov. Anyway, do you remember the plan?"
"I will stand watch by ze door until I see Doctor McCoy, and zhen I will give you ze signal. Once ze signal has been giwen, I will find somewhere to hide."
Jim smiled and nodded before turning and continuing down the hall.

"Alright, Mr. Chekov. Just look natural. Don't look like you're waiting for him."
"I will try my best, Keptin."
Jim looked the kid up and down before deeming him acceptable. He quickly took his place right outside the bathroom door, and watched. He couldn't help but smile slightly at how awkward Chekov was. It wasn't in a bad way or anything. He just found Chekov's awkwardness to be quite...adorable. And so did the rest of the crew. Jim remembered discussing it with Scotty and Uhura on multiple occasions. Jim's smile only widened when he looked up and saw Chekov making what he thought was a butterfly with his hands...the signal they (Jim) had agreed upon.
He watched as Chekov looked around frantically before dropping to the ground—and was he pretending to swim on a solid stone floor? He shook his head before disappearing behind the door and getting into his designated spot. All he heard was "what the hell are you doing on the floor kid? Get up before you hurt yourself."

"Five years in'll be great he said. It'll just be great," Bones muttered as he entered the bathroom. He'd spent all day in Med Bay redoing paperwork that one of the other medical officers had done wrong. He hadn't got sleep the night before, after performing an emergency c-section on one of the pregnant crew members, whose child he was pretty sure was the devil. And then there was Chekov in the hallway. The kid had spent too much time in space and had something mentally wrong with him. Bones had warned them, he had warned them all! Space was danger and disease wrapped up in darkness and silence, and the poor Russian genius had fallen prey to it. He mentally made a reminder to himself to get Dr. Chappel to give the kid a pysch eval the next day.
He stood in front of the sink, lost in thought as the water ran over his hands, until a noise yanked him back into the moment. His head snapped up, and he immediately surveyed the room...Nothing. There was nothing to be seen. Space must have been getting to his head, just as it had to Mr. Chekov's. He silently prayed that it didn't affect him as badly. He had enough dignity to not flop around on the floor like a dead fish. He bent down and splashed the water over his face. That's when he heard the sound again. This time he could make out that it was words. "Who is that Bones I see, staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know?" He shot back up, and forget all of his previous thoughts about dignity as he let out a high pitched, blood-curdling scream. Behind him stood a rather large woman? with a very pale face, who was now clutching her stomach and laughing too hard. That's when an apple fell out of the top of her dress, the tears running down her face made her makeup begin to wash away, and the laughing got harder. Realization hit Bones hard.
"JIM!" He whirled around to look at his Captain. "YOU INFANT BASTARD! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
Jim finally stopped laughing, but every time he looked at Bones, he began to chuckle once again. "Doesn't...that...doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a doctor?" he wheezed out.
Bones narrowed his eyes. Jim finally reigned in his laughing fit.
"Mr. Chekov, please tell me you got all of that!" He yelled. Bones looked on in disbelief as the little Russian punk emerged from the door.
"Yes, Keptin. Eet has been broadcasted to ze rest of ze ship."
"Broadcasted to the rest of the ship?" He looked between them. "You two are in cahoots?" Both nodded guiltily.
And that's how they ended up in Med Bay for the second time that week, Chekov with a sprained ankle, Jim with small cuts and bruises that shone against the remaining white makeup on his face from the tumble he and Chekov took down the few steps on the bridge during the chase, and Bones glaring from one of the other biobeds as Christine Chappel starred them down with disappointment, and added all three of their names to the list on her PADD for psych evals the next morning.

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