Breaking the rules (true story)

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We (my family and I)  lived in a big house out in the country with 7 acres, a lake, and some woods.

My siblings and I had just got back inside from running around our large yard. Sweating, we sat in our sun room. (A big glass room where we could view the lake and woods from) when I looked out the windows I saw a little girl that looked exactly like my little sister run around the house. I looked at my other siblings and asked them why she was outside alone and they shrugged. Soon after that, my little sister came into the sunroom. I asked her why she was outside alone and that it was against mom and dad's rules. She told me that she hadn't been outside and that she had been watching tv with my older brother. We had no clue who we saw running around the house. My sister began to feel really creeped out to the thought that something looked exactly like her and was posing as her.

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