The Bench (a true story)

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My family and I had moved out in the country. We owned 7 acres of land and a lake. It was truly a beautiful home.
Though beautiful there were some ugly things that had happened there.

One night while I was asleep i had awoken to something scraping outside my window. I thought nothing of it, we have tons of wild animals here so it could be anything, but it continued. Finally in the morning we all decided to have a family day outside. We noticed that our metal bench we had that sat on our patio was gone. We soon found out that someone/something had dragged it all the way to the beginning of the woods. Nobody knows who/what moved the bench. But I believe the scraping I heard the night before was the bench being pulled off of the patio.
We don't live there anymore but let me tell you, that wasn't the only scary thing that happened there.

Authors note:  This was actually a true experience that I had experienced at my old house in Michigan. My family and I had seen a lot of paranormal things inside of that home

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