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chapter six


The air was thick as the five horseman walk out of the gated police building. They all pile tightly into a car, Catalina instantly taking a place on Jack's lap. The five magicians all let out a synchronised breath of relief.

"Well that was exciting," Catalina says her tone flat and sarcastic.

"It was scary," Jack counteracts with his opinion.

Catalina snorts and turns her head so she can look at him. "How would you know?" She asks, a small smile gracing her lips. "You were snoring like a tractor," she says with a raised eyebrow.

The brunette boy's thick brown eyebrows furrow in confusion. "How do you know that?"

Catalina shrugs a coy smirk on her red painted lips. "Haven't you heard?" She asks. "A magician never tells their secrets," she winks.

The other Atlas rolls his eyes. "She got out of her cuffs and walked to my room, she most likely passed yours."

Catalina scoffs her smile tightening. "Thanks, bro," the light hair girls says  while patting her older sibling on the shoulder. "Can always count on you."

Danny gives a nonchalant shrug. "Stop making yourself seem better than you are."

Catalina rolls her eyes in response before looking out the window. The younger Atlas perks up as she sees their, surroundings. "We're here," she says in a sing-song voice before opening the door and hopping out.

"Let's get started," Merritt says while grinning and rubbing his hands together before quickly following the youngest magician of the group out the car.

The three other magicians follow the oldest and youngest of the group into the old building and up the stairs to their current apartment.

Daniel, Merritt, and Henley walk to the table in the room and start outlining their next show while Jack wonders by them occasionally sticking his head between the circle and putting in his input which is usually ignored. Catalina instantly goes to her computer set up that was generously provided by Reid. She activates the bug she placed in Dylan's phone. She put on her headphones and listens to the conversation that was currently happening.

"My guess is that they targeted a shipment of freshly minted money," a familiar voice travels through the headphones.

The blonde furrows her arch-shaped eyebrows and places her elbows on the desk, leaning her body weight on them. "That voice," she whispers to herself as she listens intently.

"Headed to the Frenchman's bank on-board an armored truck. Which, of course, is just
as hard to break into... unless, you're already inside. And despite what the banks would have you believe, the men who drive these trucks are not exactly mental giants."

Catalina quickly pulls her phone out of her back pocket and quickly calls her personal geek squad worker.

"Hello Isaac Lahey," a voice greets Catalina.

Catalina furrows her eyebrows. "What?"

"You know, cause he has blonde hair and blue eyes and was a fugitive for a little while? Ugh, nevermind it's not as clever when I have to explain it. What do you want?"

Catalina shakes her head, remembering why she called in the first place. "Do you know how to do a voice scan?"

Reid rolls her eyes at the question. "I don't know, do you know how to suck dick?" She ask sarcastically.

A bitch face instantly falls on the blonde's face. "Will you just help me? Please."

"Sure, I'll be the Nupita to your Rihanna."

Catalina smirks. "Thank you."

"Just email me the recording file of the voice and I'll do it."

"Okay just give me one second," Catalina says before adding the file to an email and sending it to Reid. "Alright, it's sent!"

"So," Reid begins, "Your show the other night, it was pretty awesome."

"Thanks," Catalina says a content smile on her face. "Wait, how did you see it?" Catalina asks in confusion, remembering that recording devices weren't allowed.

"I may or may not have hacked into the security cameras."

Catalina rolls her eyes and laughs. "Of course, leave it to you."

"How else was I supposed to support my favorite girl?"

Catalina grins widely. "Awh."

"I was talking about Henley. God Catalina stop being so self centered."

Catalina's smile falls from her face. "I hate you."

Reid smirks. "I know," she replies smugly. "I got a match. I'm sending you the file right now."

"Okay," Catalina says before a photo of a an old African-American man with a gold earing, pops up. Thaddeus Bradley.

"Oh fuck," Catalina whispers.

"What? What? Is it bad? Is he bad? Do I have to call the Ghostbusters? Sam and Dean?"

"No, but pulling all of this off might have just gotten a whole lot harder."

"What? Why?"

"Because Thaddeus Bradley is a magic debunker. He's literally debunked so many magicians and put them out of buisness. If he's working with the FBI.. then, well I think our chances of getting caught just raised another fifty percent."

"Woah wait, did you say Thaddeus? Like that creepy monster baby in Murder House? The one that made that chick's hair turn white."

Catalina stares at the desk in front of her in disbelief. "I just told you our chances of getting arrested and sent to prison just raised and thats all you have to say?"

"Well, what else was I supposed to say?" Reid asks exasperated. "'Cue dramatic music' 'Oh no' 'Don't drop the soap in prison' I don't know! This friendship did not come with a handbook. This is why I stick to computers, they come with handbooks! And now you're laughing at me, stop laughing at me Catalina Laurel Atlas!"

Catalina wipes the tears at the corner of her eyes. "You know I love you, right geek?"

"Yeah yeah," Reid grumbles. "I love you too slut."

i love writing catalina and reid, they are such brotp. plus it makes me excited to write the reid x danny spin off.

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