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chapter two

Both Catalina and Danny look up at the sound of the name they used to go by before the split into their own individual acts. Catalina examines the brown hair boy that is practically running towards her brother. He's cute, she thinks as she looks him up and down.

"Dude," the guy begins while grabbing Danny's hand and rapidly shaking it. "I've seen everything that you have ever done. You're like... I idolize you. Seriously," he tells him shaking his hand.

"From a true fan," Danny says a smirk on his face while looking at Henley and Merrit as if saying 'Ha!'. "It's so nice to meet you," Danny tells him while shaking his hand back.

Jack then turns towards Catalina who is watching him with an amused smirk on her face, her body leaning on the stair railing.

"Oh my god," he says flustered while shaking his sweaty hands to air them out. "Catalina Atlas?"

Catalina looks at him, giving direct eye contact. Like pools of endless chocolate, she thinks. "Hi," she says, the smirk still painted on her plump pink lips.

"I love you," he blurts word-vomit out quickly. "I have posters of you on my walls," the words continue to tumble, before he closes his mouth quickly in embarrassment.

Catalina smiles at him. "Really?" She asks raising an eyebrow and tilting her head the the side.

He chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his neck. "I mean, I enjoy your magic tricks because you know you're good at magic, not just because your insanely hot or anything. I think.. I think I'll just stop."

"Please do," Danny says from behind him, making the brunette flirting with his sister blush and look to the floor.

Catalina glares at her brother for embarrassing him. She puts a smirk back on her face and takes a step toward him. "Well, I would love to show you a few more of my tricks," she tells him suggestively before Danny interrupts again.

"Yeah no," he says pulling her behind him. "Go stand over there," he says pointing towards the corner of the wall by the door. "Stand in the corner and go back on your phone," he tells her.

Catalina rolls her eyes, completely ignoring him and staying where she is.

"I'm Jack, by the way," the new boy informs them to which Catalina acknowledges with a wink.

"Question, did you get one of these?" Merritt asks Jack holding up a card.

"Yeah, Death," Jack says, showing him the card he pulled from his back pocket.

"The High Priestess," Henley says holding up her card as well.

"I'm the Lover," Daniel says making Catalina snort.

"Who ever gave you that card must of been on some serious shrooms," she tells him, her and Henley chuckling at his expense. Danny glares at the two girls.

"Hermit," Merritt tells them. They all turn towards Catalina who is examining her pink painted nails with a bored look on her face. Feeling everyone's eyes on her, she looks up at them with an eyebrow raised. "Yes?"

Daniel points to his card. "Your card, what is your card."

"Oh!" She exclaims before taking out the tarot card from her back pocket. She looks at it before turning it towards the other four magicians and showing them. "I'm the Magician."

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